May 15, 2020

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You're wearing her initials like a brand,
I love his voice like my favorite band.
She's the one you talk to before sleeping,
in the morning, there he is, calling me.

You exchange photos and videos with her
while he teaches me how to cook dinner.
She comes with you on your every travel,
he takes me to beaches to collect shells.

Sometimes he and I watch movies and chill
as you both succumb to fiery feelings.
He buys Sangria for me after work,
you earn money by painting her picture.

He sings me songs even he's out of tune,
give her the flowers you waited to bloom.
He and I do road trips where we both drive,
you give her loving after every fight.

You see, this is not a competition
as we moved on from former frustrations.
He and she are the blessings we longed for—
someone to need, have, hold, and love forever.

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