The truth |4|

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I got a call from my mama's doctor saying that she wasn't doing to great. And that some company would help
So I got my things and stopped by the grocery store grabbing a bouquet of roses
Her favourite

Along with a box of chocolates
The drive up to the hospital was horrible.
The sky was full of dark and gloomy clouds

And it was pouring rain

Shortly after I finally arrived.
I made my way over to the floor she was on
Looking around I could see people crying.
Wives, husbands, kids

It made me tear up a bit
I found my mamas room and quietly walked in
She was on the bed watching her favourite show (the price is right)

A smile appeared on my lips

"Ciao mamma!" i say being mindful to not be to loud
[hello mama!]

"il mio bel bambino! come sei stato il mio amore?" mama says with a smile
[my beautiful baby! how have you been my love?]

"sono stato bravo, ho iniziato da poco il mio nuovo lavoro. e la sua paga è davvero buona."
i say
[ive been good, i recently started my new job. and its pay is really well.]

"è fantastico hunny!"
[thats fantastic hunny!]

"come sei stata mamma?"
[so how have you been mama?]

"sono stato bene. Sto provando un nuovo trattamento, quindi spero che mi aiuti a sentirmi un po' meglio"
[i've been okay. im trying out a new treatment so hopefully that helps me feel a bit better]

"aww mamma spero che funzioni"
[aww mama i hope it works]
after an hour of catching up with each other
I go downstairs and grab me and my mama a coffee.

I make my way back up to her room and set the coffee down.
I've always wondered about the night my father killed himself and how my parents ended up fighting each other after they seemed to be the most loving couple

But I've never had the courage to ask my mama about it because I'm afraid it will make her mad and sad

But something is telling me to ask her

So I built the courage to ask her


"mi sono sempre chiesto la notte in cui tu e papà avete litigato."
[i've always wonderd about the night you and papa were fighting.]

"e che dire?"
[and what about it?]

"Volevo solo sapere cosa è successo tra te e papà. perché a me voi ragazzi sembravate la coppia più perfetta"
[i just wanted to know what happend with you and papa. because to me you guys seemed like the most perfect couple]

"va bene se vuoi davvero saperlo, te lo dico io. tuo padre tornò a casa quella sera con una macchia di rossetto e un succhiotto sul collo. ovviamente ero preoccupato e gli ho chiesto perché lo avesse sul collo. ha detto che non era niente e mi ha detto di non preoccuparmene. gli ho chiesto ripetutamente cosa stesse succedendo. alla fine ha rotto e ha detto che stava vedendo qualcuno. sono scoppiato in lacrime e poi era solo un mucchio di combattimenti che andavano avanti e indietro. ma perché tuo padre mi ha picchiato, non lo capirò mai."

[fine if you really want to know, i'll tell you.
your father came home that night with a lipstick stain and a hicky on his neck. obviously i was concerned and asked him why he had that on his neck.
he said it was nothing and told me not to worry about it.
i asked him repeatedly what was going on. he finally broke and said that he had been seeing someone.
i bursted out into tears
and then it was just a bunch of fighting going back and forth.
but why you father beat me up, ill never understand.]

holy shit.
i knew it he cheated
back then my parents would've done literally anything for each other

so this was a shock for me.

why my father cheated though is something i'll never understand

"aww mamma, mi dispiace tanto che tu abbia dovuto passare attraverso quello"
i feel so bad for her.
shes the nicest human being in the whole wide world
[aww mama, im so sorry that you had to go through that]

my father was so cruel
New chapters out next Saturday



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