Episode 6

37 5 5

Mind, Body, Soul

Today wasn't Yoongi's day, well, these past few days weren't agreeing with him. From him stressing about the school work that was piling up that he was trying to catch up on, to the internship he was preparing himself for AND he still had a job to keep himself alive and pay rent, and lastly, the most unnecessary and inconvenient of them all— his parents were pestering him to come visit.

It was all piling up and Yoongi had to shut himself away to keep himself focused and not have to deal with any distractions, that mean Jungkook.

He just wasn't in the mood at all, and today felt he was going to collapse if he didn't consume any form caffeine this very moment.

That morning when Yoongi had just entered the dorm room with some snacks and a Starbucks coffee in his hand, eyes drooping and body sagging. Jungkook appeared and attempted to throw a jab at the older.

"You did some shopping after work little mama?" He smirked but the older didn't say anything, heck he didn't even react. It was as if he wasn't there.

Jungkook thought that maybe he hadn't heard him, but didn't wanna take the risk of repeating himself and it being embarrassing if Yoongi had actually heard, but chose not to speak.

Jungkook did it anyway.
"Hey. I said did you–"

"I heard you Jungkook."
The older cut off. Voice laced with disinterest and annoyance that was pretty mild but it was there regardless.


"Jungkook. I order you to shut the fuck up. Week's not over remember?" Yoongi ordered.

Jungkook closed his mouth and swallowed quietly in embarrassment. The older didn't even spare him a glance, not bothering to take off his shoes as he entered his room without another word and that's the last Jungkook ever saw of him that day.

It angered Jungkook how easily he embarrassed him, how he let him repeat himself and look stupid. Though it was something that was between the two and no one else had seen it, it still bothered Jungkook and his pride.

While walking to one of his classes, he thought about how much Yoongi looked like shit that morning. How he was so sluggish and tired that if someone poked him he would evaporate into thin air.

It was weird, usually he'd response to his jabs and annoying remarks or mischievous acts. What was even more weird was him not having seen or been bothered and bombarded by Taehyung and Jackson. They, no matter what, always made to and found a way to get on his nerves just as he did with Yoongi.

He entered his class and spotted the annoying pair in their usual spot— right next to Jungkook's seat. Jungkook huffed, getting ready to pestered continuously by the trouble duo, but when he sat down there was... nothing. Not even a glance they were talking amongst themselves.

Usually he didn't even get a chance to sit down without one of them throwing their arms around him in an unwanted hug or some other "friendly" gesture. Jungkook felt awkward and knew something was up, he knew that Jackson and Taehyung were close friends with Yoongi, so they mentioned constantly or overheard their loud ass conversations and heard a bunch about Yoongi that he'd use to bother Yoongi constantly.

He wanted to figure out what was up with him so, he hesitantly reached over to tap Taehyung's shoulder to ask about it.

The older turned to him and smiled his usual boxy smile.
"Kookie!" He cheered with his arms up.

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