Purple and Blue

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dee's pov~

Getting beat up is the worse. It constitutes having to lay in the dirt until someone comes and saves me. And at this rate, I'm starting to think no one will. My head is pounding, my eye is swollen shut. I wanna fall asleep, and if I lay out here any longer I think I will. I knew I should've packed more than my normal button up. It's cold, not freezing, but cold. It's starting to sprinkle. Everything is blurry. I wipe my face and blood comes off. Damn that's why I can't see right. There's blood in my eyes. I hear something in the distance, but it's too far, I can't make it out. I close my eyes. Damn this hurts.

diana's pov~

"Dee what the hell? Mrs. Gordon's terrified for you. Are you even listening? It's raining! Why are you laying in the dirt!" I stand over him and almost kick his back, but I stop. He's bleeding. His eyes are closed. Shit. He looks dead.

Thank God I have good upper body strength from cheer. And thank God he's light. I pick him up bridal style, wrap him in my jacket and carry him inside. I take him to the nurse, and lay him on one of the cots. The nurse starts tending to him but asks that I stay and help.

"He's still breathing, and isn't truly struggling to. There are lots of bruises. His head is bleeding, like he got cut with a ring or something. Would you mind getting some bandages and some ice?" I've been in here enough times for cheer that I know where those are. She's getting some other stuff so I carefully wrap both the bleeding part of his head and his black eye. I fix his little ponytail. I step back and sit down, while the nurse talks to him. "Dee honey, it's time to wake up. Nurse Kramer needs to check some things honey." His eyes open, but he looked dazed and confused. He tries to get up but she pushes him back down. "Can you follow the light with your eyes?" She shines a light at him. Once she puts it down she goes into the questions.

"Honey can you tell me your name."


"What about your middle name? Huh sweet pea?" She always talks like this to someone who may have a concussion. It's really sweet.

He stumbles over the word, but gets it out. "Arlet." Wait stop that's so cute. Nurse Kramer types some things on her laptop, I guess to confirm.

"And your last name sweetheart?"

"Shvag- shvag- yeah." He normally says it with such ease.

"Alright baby, can you count my fingers?" She holds up 3 fingers. He rubs his visible eye.

"No. I'm really sorry."

"That's alright honey." She puts the ice back on his head, over his covered eye. "Who is the current prime minister?" That is so easy! He should get it, he talks about him all the time.

He doesn't even have anything to say though.

"Just two more questions honey. Can you tell me who that is?" She cradles his head enough to where he can see me. I wave. She puts him down.

"Diana. She-she's in my classes." He's right but he's slurring his words, like he had too much to drink.

"Very good! Now, who did all this?"



"That big kid with the beanie. Real name like, Chris or something. Likes to mess with Dee." I hate that kid.

"Oh I've had him in here before. Okay." She turns towards me. "I think Dee's little nap after his concussion made it worse. I'm gonna call his parents and take him to an urgent care. Sit with him while I make the call, alright?" I take her spot next to him while she goes out to make the call.

"What made you think it was a good idea to piss off Chipmunk?! You nearly died out there. If I hadn't carried you in!"

He giggles. "You're pretty."

"And you're going to urgent care."

"I'm tired."

"Hon you can't go to sleep. It'll make your concussion worse again."

"Why?" He really is confused.

"You just can't." He whines a little and starts getting upset, not unlike a little boy. I rub his cheek, a tactic I use when I babysit to calm littles down.


"Your head? I know. Because Chipmunk is fucking awful, and doesn't know when to stop. Don't mess with him in the future okay?"

"I wanna pretzel." I laugh.

"Of course you do. But Dee, I need you to promise me that you don't mess with Chippy in the future. You're seriously hurt this time, and you could get even more hurt next time. He's a big guy, and well, you aren't. Got it?"

"Okay." I hear the nurse talking to his parents in the other room, telling them he got beat up.

God help him.

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