First Party

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lif's pov~

Dee and I's first party in America! We're just visiting. I used to live here long ago, I'm a native English speaker. My accent is easily hidden. However- Dee's is not. He's a native Russian speaker. So his accent is uh, very very thick.

"Lif we have to go. We're gonna be late." He fidgets with the keys in his pocket. I can tell he's anxious about not being understood at the party. I can tell what he's saying, but at this point it's kinda like a toddler and mother. Only the mummy can tell what the kid is saying, and she has to translate.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" I kiss his cheek. "Don't worry, if somebody doesn't understand you, there will be someone who does." He smiles at that, and then we hear a honk outside. Our uber is here.

"Dee and Lif?"

"Yes sir." He drives us to the party, and we can hear the music from outside. We head in, and the party is lively. Dee goes to grab alcohol for himself, and I go to make conversation.

"Dude I can't understand you!"


I intervene. "He wants tequila." Dee blushes and nods.

"Got it! Where ya from?"

"Russia." I say. "He isn't a native English speaker."

"Got it. You guys have fun!" Dee starts drinking his drink and makes conversation. He's an extreme light weight, he'll be drunk by the time he's done. I go make conversation with a nice woman.

"Yeah yeah, we're just visiting. Hey I'll be right back I'm gonna get a drink." We don't have a car to drive home anyways. I get my beer and step onto the balcony. It's quieter out here, except there's some hooligans in the pool. I lean over the balcony edge just to rest for a moment.

Next thing I know, I'm tumbling down into the water.

dee's pov~

"Have you seen my wife?"

"Huh? Dude, I think you're a little too drunk, you sound like you're speaking another language. Let's get you some water." I stumble to the kitchen and he gets me a glass of water. "It's okay bud. Now tell me what's going on."

"My wife." I pull up my lock screen, a picture of us.

"Ohhh have I seen her? Not really. Maybe she went home?" I shrug, and drink more water. He takes my phone, and refills my glass.  "I'm gonna walk around and see if anyone's seen her." He takes a picture of my screen with his phone, and sets it on the counter.

I drink more water. I'm gonna have the worse hangover tomorrow. He comes back, rather quickly.

"She was driven to the hospital by someone else. She fell off the balcony into the pool."

"What? She-sh she."

"It's okay it's okay. I'll drive you there. You aren't from here, if you walk you'll get lost. Plus, you're drunk out of your mind."

kind dude's pov~

He's panicking in my passenger seat. I can't imagine what's going through his mind.

The hospital is bright and loud. He's pacing, and won't sit down. He's nearly tripped 3 times.

"Dude it's okay to sit."

"What if if she's in trouble."

"It's okay. It's okay. Just take a seat." He sits, but on the floor. He leans against the chair behind him.

This is gonna be a long night.

~funky time skip~

lif's pov~

These last few weeks have been hell. My little tumble into the pool has caused way more of an uproar than we bargained for. We were supposed to leave the US a couple days ago, but we can't until I'm discharged. Dee's been at the hospital with me every day and every night. I keep telling him that taking a flight home is okay, but he won't listen to me.

That first night, he was really drunk. He clung onto me, he cried. He thought I died. The guy who brought him there told me that he was in hysterics, way too drunk to think straight. He stayed until like 3 am, until he finally went home.

Dee's been the #1 cheerleader, especially during the dreaded physical therapy.

I'm so lucky to have him.

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