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I sit in the car, on my way to my new home. I'm scared. What if they hate me worse than my biological parents?

It's possible, I'm very easy to hate.

I've got too many issues. I self harm. I have problems with eating. Since Mother pulled me out of school I haven't been allowed to shower. I only showered at school before. Would get up before the sun, walk, and shower.

Like clockwork.

Until Mother decided she needed me home, to clean and entertain house guests. And her.

I sit and wonder if I'll have a bedroom. I've never had one, as a baby I slept in a drawer. Then it was a cabinet, and then wherever I could find.

The last few months I slept under the dining room table. I would've slept in the pantry, but Mother locks it.

We're there. There's a man waiting outside for me. I step out, out of the car and it drives away. New life. Nothing to my name except the clothes on my back.

I hope they can last me a couple more years.

"Hello Dee. I am Glam, your foster father. You can call me whatever you like. Do you want to hang out outside, or we could go inside and I give you a tour, or we could start off with shopping. Whatever you prefer."

My voice trembles, and I speak softer than I mean to. "What is there to go shopping for?"

He leans in, and he gets a look on his face. His voice lowers down to a softer tone. "Well everything I guess. Clothes, shoes, toiletries, books, school stuff. Really whatever you like. Those clothes and shoes will be thrown away of course, they're long past salvageable. If before we go you would like to borrow some of Heavy's clothes, I'm sure he won't mind. Then tonight, you can shower and wash your hair."

"You mean I'm allowed to shower here?" He gets another look on his face, and suddenly he looks sad.

"Well of course. Why wouldn't you be allowed to?"

"Mother said that bad children don't get to shower."

"Forget everything she said about you being a bad child, because I can assure you that you are not. Now, let's go inside. If you'd like, you can shower and I'll go pick out some clothes from Heavy's room. He won't mind. Alright?"

"Are you sure? I can just put this back on-"

"Absolutely not. Now, I'll show you to the bathroom." He leads me up the stairs to a beautiful bathroom. "Take as much time as you need, you can use my shampoo and conditioner, and my soap. Once you get out, there should be deodorant on the counter. Then, just knock on the door and I'll push the clothes underneath. Okay?"

I nod, feeling if I open my mouth a sob would come out. I go behind the door, lock it, and strip. I fold everything into a neat pile, start the shower, and look at myself in the mirror. There's tears flowing down my face by now.

I'm so happy.

I shower, wash my hair. I get out and use the deodorant, dry myself off completely, and knock on the door. Under the door goes a t-shirt, some sweatpants, some underwear and some socks.

T shirts aren't my ideal clothing. They show off too much. But, I'm just happy to be out of those other clothes.

I put on the clothing, and come out of the bathroom dirty clothes in tow. He smiles at me, but then his eyes dart to my arms.

Covered in cuts, and bruises.

If that concerns him, he should see my backside.

He looks back up, and smiles again.

I hold up the folded clothing in my hands. "What do you want me do with these?"

"Come with me." I follow him.

The clothes are very dirty. They're the only ones I've owned since 2 years ago.

A long sleeve shirt, jeans, boxers, socks, and cheap tennis shoes.

Everything has holes in them, but they are warm enough to last me.

We head outside to the big garbage cans. "I want you to throw them away. You don't need them anymore." It's chilly outside, and I shiver a bit.

I throw each clothing piece one by one into the trash, and don't look back.

We head back inside, and we end up on the couch. I fidget with my hands, and don't look at him.

We sit like that, in silence, until I hear the door open. I look up, before I get inside my head and panic. I didn't clean at all. He'll be so upset. I dart up and begin to tidy things around, make them look clean.

I'm pulled out of my head when Glam touches my shoulders, and brings me back to reality. "You're not with them anymore. Nobody is going to get mad at you. Heavy's just home from school." I sit back down on the couch, and start biting my nails.

"Hey dad!"

"Hello Heavy. I want you to meet Dee. Dee, this is Heavy."

I don't say anything, just continue what I'm doing.

"Hi Dee! I'm gonna go upstairs. Bye Dad love you!"

"I love you too Heavy. Do you have homework?" The silent tears start rolling down my face again. That's all I've wanted my whole life. To be loved.

If I had casually said that in my house like that, I would've had glass thrown my way.

I feel a warm presence wrap itself around me, and my head ends up leaning against it. He's hugging me and pushing my head into his chest. I continue to cry, harder this time.

I've mastered the art of being quiet. When I cry, when I talk, when I do anything. I can't cry out loud anymore, at least I haven't in a long time.

I have to cough. I try to do it quietly. My mouth sputters and my spit gets caught it my throat. It's louder than I wanted it to be.

"Hey, shhh it's okay. This is your home now. You will be loved and cared for and will never ever see those monsters again."

I nod, not wanting to leave the comfort and warmth of his grasp.

I eventually do, wiping my face off.

"Dee, would you like to know something?"

I just nod, knowing if I open my mouth I'll start crying again.

"There's a reason I'm a foster parent." He lifts up his sleeve and there's an old, nasty scar. "My father was a horrible person, and I had to run away at a young age. No proper adult was there to be a guide or to comfort. If I can provide a teenager with that, when they are in the spot I was, my life would be complete."

I look at the scar. "What did he do?"

"He would hit me with a ruler." That's all he said. We left it at there. "Now, let's make a good list of things you need. We can go shopping today."

"Okay," I say quietly. "Thank you."

"It's just my job Dee."

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2023 ⏰

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