Bright Red

322 7 1

dee's pov~

The worst part about this wasn't Heavy's panicked response to me stumbling around and drooling and spitting out blood.

It wasn't Ma's panicked "Glam call 112".

It wasn't her wrapping me up in a blanket after I collapsed.

It wasn't the bright lights in my face or the way too fast ride to the hospital.

It wasn't me vomiting all over myself in the ambulance.

It wasn't getting my stomach pumped (though it was close).

It wasn't the pity looks from nurses.

It wasn't the itchy IV in my hand that I wanted to rip out.

It wasn't dad holding out the empty pill bottle in front of me and asking why the hell I did it.

It wasn't hearing my parents talk about me and my issues to a doctor when I could hear them clear as day.

It wasn't getting told about the transfer, or the van transport to a different hospital.

It wasn't being told I was on 24/7 watch.

It wasn't having to strip in front of a female nurse.

It wasn't the invasive body search.

It's these fucking bright red scrubs.

Nobody else is in bright red. They're all in light blue.

It's early morning, and the night nurse dragged me to breakfast. Only a couple other people are here.

They're all staring at me.

That feeling makes me wanna try all over again.

Maybe this time I won't fail.


short and not so sweet

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