10 | Lucky

538 9 0

{ skye hoppers pov } 

I walk out to the  front of the Blake's house, and see Bruce standing on the sidewalk. 

"Hey, Yamada!" I greet as I quickly shuffle down the Blake's porch steps.

"Hey Hopper!" He greets, walking closer. "I brought my bike. Figured we could ride it there"

"Together?" I ask. The bike looked small, I don't know how we'll both fit.

"Might be close quarters but it'll be faster than walking" He replies.

"Okay" I say as Bruce hops on the bike.

I climb on behind him, and wrap my arms around his waste. "Don't do anything stupid" I say, resting my head on his back.

I could've fallen asleep like that. Even though I was on a bike, Bruce was so comfortable and he made me feel safe.

When I began to feel droopy, I let my eyes close. I'm sure Bruce won't mind. My mind slowed down and I fell asleep.


"Skye" Bruce says as my eyes open.

"Hey" I say sheepishly. I can feel my face heating up.

"You, uh, fell asleep" Bruce says with a small laugh.

"I was comfy" I say with a slight shrug of the shoulders.

Bruce's cheeks turned red, or I think so. I can't really see.

"Well we're here" Bruce says.

The drive-in had a section of old broken cars that people could rent out if people didn't have cars. That's what me and Bruce did.

The car we rented was a small, 1965 Comet. It was blaze red and shiny. It was donated by the previous owners after the mileage got to high.

"This is a nice ass car" Bruce comments as he climbs in. I climb into the seat beside him.

"What movie are we watching anyways?" I ask.

"The Omen" Bruce answers and looks at me. "Heard it was really scary"

"Awesome! I love scary movies" I say with a smile.

"Figured" Bruce responds, his smile growing wider. "The movie starts at 7"

"It's 6:30" I say with a laugh.

"Looks like we have a while then" Bruce says.

I have a half hour with Bruce Yamada in a car. This would be a good chance to kiss him.

"I wasn't snoring was I?" I ask with a laugh.

"Not that I heard" Bruce shrugs. "You did seem pretty comfy"

"I was" I say with a laugh. "First time falling asleep on a bike though"

"Oh my God Bruce. We forgot to buy snacks" I laugh as Bruce realizes. 

"Shit" He mutters.

"Yamada, it's fine" I say, putting a hand on his shoulder. 

He looks at me for a second. I love his eyes. 

"Hey looks like the movies starting" He says as the light flickers on. 


About halfway through the movie there was a jump-scare. I jumped and clung onto Bruce's arm, which he chuckled at. 

"How are you not scared?" I ask him. This movie is absolutely fucking terrifying. 

"I so saw it coming" He laughs. "When the music gets all squeaky and dramatic you can just tell" 

"Oooh" I say in realization. I realize I'm still clinging to his arm. He doesn't seem to mind. I'll stay right here. 

Another jump scare happened and I dug my nails into his forearm by accident. "Sorry Yamada" 

"I have an idea" Bruce says. 

He wraps one arm around my torso, and pulls my figure closer to him. 

"I like this idea" I laugh as I rest my head on his shoulder/neck area. I lace my fingers into his free hand, and rest our two hands on my lower thigh area. 

I can feel my cheeks flushing red. I'm grateful for the dark lighting of the night. 

"You comfy?" He asks, tightening his grip around my waist. 

"Yeah" I answer. "You're a lot comfier than expected" That gets a laugh out of him. 

"You're a lot cuddlier than expected" He replies. 

I adjust my head onto his chest. 

"Your brother's gonna kill me if he finds out about this" Bruce says suddenly. 

"He'll be scarier than the movie" I laugh. I hope Vance doesn't find out. I like Bruce, Vance would scare him away. 

"Yeah let's hope he doesn't scare you off" I laugh. 

"Not gonna happen" He says. "Your brother has nothing to do with you" 

"If I tell him what kind of guy you are I'm sure he won't mind you" I assure him. 

"You think I'm a good guy?" He asks. 

"Obviously. Who the hell told you different?" I ask. Bruce is the nicest guy I know. Who would tell Bruce that he's a bad person? 

"Some girl I dated a while back. She got mad at me because I was "too clingy". Apparently me hugging her goodbye scared her off" He explains. "And doing stuff like this"

"Well you won't have to worry about that with me" I tell him. Tightening my grip on his hand. 

"What are you implying?" He asks me with a small smile. 

"What do you think I'm implying?" I shoot back. Shit. What if he caught on? 

"I don't know it just... sounded like you wanted... nevermind" Bruce shrugs. 

"No, no. You have to tell me" I urge, looking up at him from his chest. 

"It sounded like you liked me or some shit. Not that I would mind because I-"  Bruce cuts himself off. "That's just what it sounded like"

Because he what? Was he going to say that he liked me? He said he wouldn't mind if I did, soo. 

It's a good sign I guess? 

{ word count : 922 }

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