29 | Back At It

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{Skye Hopper's Pov} 

It's been about a month since Bruce and I escaped from the basement. My mom has been an emotional mess, and I can't blame her. It only truly hit me a couple days ago when I was just lying in bed. My brother is dead. They found his body in an empty house across the road from where I was, along with the other boys. 

I had hung out with Bruce some. Bruce and I's moms are becoming friends. Whenever I would go to Bruce's house we just sat in his room and talked about anything. How excited he was to start baseball again, random tv shows. Anything but the time we spent in the basement. 

We are going to school for the first time in a month. I give Bruce's hand a tight squeeze before we walk in there. People stared at us. It was unlike anything I've seen before. They either looked scared or gave looks of sympathy. 

Not everyone was looking at us though, some people just continued their conversations as they were before, not wanting to get involved in the whole mess. I sat down by Bruce for my home room, not wanting to leave his side. 


Pretty short one today but I had to post lol 

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