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Dio's World, 1

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Dio's World, 1


The night was scary yet somewhat exciting, Joseph went with Noriaki while Jotaro went with Jean.

Though this night is the night they all die.

You walked with Dio on the streets, some people glancing at you two, others just ignored and went on as they finished their job and can go home peacefully.

"An automobile..." Dio started touching a black fancy car, "Such impressive power and speed. We only had horse-drawn carriages in my time." He spoke with no expression, "It's perfect." You mumbled.

"Hey, pals!" A man grabbed you and Dio's shoulder harshly, "What's the big idea?" He glared and shouted, "This is Senator Wilson Phillips' car!" He let go of the shoulders and stretched his fingers, "Do I gotta make you spew blood from your eye sockets?!" Dio casually grabbed the man's hand and twisted it, the sound of bones and the man screaming in pain was heard, the man cried kneeling, "You're the one who's eye socket is bleeding." With just a simple command your Stand attacked the man with its chainsaw hand.

You closed the door after you father entered the car, you decided to sit on the right side of the car. Dio seemed hide his madness, he sat next to a man who's big as a dwarf.

"My, my... Young folks are so hot-blooded these days." The man chucked, Dio didn't hesitate to push his two front teeth behind.

The man grunted in pain, "Oow!!"
"Silence yourself and get in the front seat. You will be driving me and my daughter." Dio said not even looking at the man, "Wh-Who the heck are you?! Do you think you can get away with this?!" Shouted the man covering his mouth, he glared the blonde for a short time.

"Just do as he says-"
"Listen up, whippersnapper!" The man interrupted, "I'll have you locked up for this! Locked up for---" Dio grabbed his nose,
"I won't repeat myself."
He threw the man on the passager seat, he gaged nose stuffed and bled.

"Drive." You stared at him, he screamed opening the door jumping out, "Help... Me?" Out of a second he seemed to be out of place. How come he's now in the passengers seat? He escaped, right?

"W-What!!??" Wilson gasped, he tried to escape again, and again.
"Make haste until we reach the truck. If you fail to reach it, I will kill you." Dio glares, Wilson laughed crazy and said: "C-Certainly!" He drove insane, skipping other cars and laughing.

Joseph drove with Kakyoin, he could feel a dark aura coming closer and closer, it's after them.
They're coming right for them!
"Can Dio tell exactly where you are?" Noriaki asked worried, "No." Joseph replied,

"Our shared connection is through the body of my grandfather, Jonathan Joestar. We can sense each other through an inexplicably shared wavelength... But it's only good knowing when the other is nearby."

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