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Dio's World, 2

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Dio's World, 2


Flying one way to another, Kakyoin and Joseph are trying to escape Dio and 'this lady', but Dio knew their location, just like Joseph mentioned:
It's in their blood, that a Joestar can scent another Joestar.

As Noriaki gazed at Hierophant Green, he began to recall memories of his lonely youth.

Joseph kept on sweating, after all, he did lose his grandfather to Dio, and now he's here. God knows if he'll survive this.

"Hey Jotaro!" Polnareff said signaling to the flaming car, "The car got totaled!"
"Up there!" Jotaro said looking up,

"Gramps and Dio are on the roof."
The duo continued jumping roof to roof, do not even dare to look down from this height, Dio stopped and smirked, "Only Kakyoin and Joseph are here." You stopped too, almost tripping down. "I see. They're attempting a pincer attack."

"Jotaro and Polnareff must be preparing to attack from behind." Dio hummed walking, you followed behind, "A useless effort."

Just as you both landed on a roof, emeralds began to shoot, Dio used his hands to dodge them all, "This is..." He muttered jumping, "Kakyoin's Hierophant!" Emeralds came from all different directions, "What a trap. I would have been dead by now." You said using Perfect Girl to slash the emeralds to ashes.

"Hierophant's barrier!" Dio gasped, he kicked the last three emeralds away, now he realized you both have been trapped in this Hierophant cage,
"This is..."

"Correct!" Kakyoin yelled, "Using the barrier my Hierophant created, I can hit you within twenty meters from any direction!" He spoke with hope pointing his finger at Dio, "I can also sense every move of you or The World make!"

Dio scoffed and whispers, "He has no idea what will happen next." You giggled to yourself, you found the sprach ridiculous, his Stand is no near as powerful as The World.

"Take this, Dio!
Twenty-meter radius
Emerald Splash!"

"You fool! Prepare yourself! The World's true power, as its name suggests, is to reign supreme over the entire world!"

"Show me your Stand, Dio!" Kakyoin thought to himself.

"The World!"

Noriaki was pushed by an extreme power, he bleed from his stomach, the emeralds were useless now, nobody can defeat The World and its power.

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