¬untitled run

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[Y/N]/Dea running away from servants of Dio but every run a new servant seems to appear, Dea is a rename, just like Dio means God in Italian Dea means Goddess.

Sorry if some scenes are cringe its my first one shot 😢😢

It was a nice sunny day, you just came back from a long walk around the mansion, your legs are pretty tired so you're resting in your room

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It was a nice sunny day, you just came back from a long walk around the mansion, your legs are pretty tired so you're resting in your room.

Tomorrow is just another ten hours away, what is there to do? Outside your door, the servants were discussing something that's very important to them. If you were to date one of them, who would it be?

"It's obviously that she'd date me," Mariah scoffed at them, "I'm as beautiful as she is there's no doubt about it!" She laughed, "Nice legs won't do shit!" Steely Dan shouted, "If you didn't know most of her jewelry was stolen directly from me."

Boingo kept his manga to himself, he tucked his brothers jeans to whisper, Oingo noticed and picked him up to whisper.
"Boingo's Stand shows future, her fate will be with us." The Darby brothers chuckled in return, "You people are always far away to catch the Joestar crew... Lord [Y/N] needs entertaining, video games-"
"Or gambling." Telence's sentence was finished by his older brother Daniel.

"Those things just ain't enough y'know?" Hol Horse walked to the group, "When was the last time she ever hung up with yall outside? Never!" He chuckled and placed his cigarette back in his mouth, "What you need is her trust." Vanila Ice spoke, "You all lack her trust," He paused for a few seconds, "Then why not ask her?" Midler sipped her drink, "But you all would rather go begging for Lord Dio's permission..." Nukesaku sat on the chair, he wondered how a whole baby ended up in the mansion. Nobody seems to talk about it, maybe it's a servant baby?

Your short dream was very bizarre, you couldn't even remember it, a Stand by the name Death 13 was showing you around his carnival gifting you various toys and flowers. In the dream he put a note on your fist and closed it before you woke up. Filled with a little déja vu while reading the note, "That all happened in one dream? Well the Stand doesn't seem a threat... Rather than a Stand wanting to be, best friends?"

A knock was heard on your door, you got up from your bed with a quick stretch before opening it, you couldn't even look who it was before being snatched, the person seemed to be in a hurry and fixed your position while running, it's revealed to be Hol Horse with a little worried expression. "What are you doing, Hol Horse?" You asked, he turned to a big pillar to hide, he panted out of breath.

"Answer me." You got off him, "L-Lord Dea it's not that safe in the mansion- all the servants are-" He grunts in pain, his left ankle was attacked by Midler's High Priestess, the Stand formed into a running saw, Hol Horse leaned back on the pillar to support himself. "Midler?" You turned your head to face her.

She walked towards you, "I'm sorry for that, did I surprise you with the sudden appearance?" She spoke, "It doesn't matter now..." Hol Horse bit his lip and prepared his right hand to summon Emperor, you hummed in confusion as Midler just started to hug you and whisper that you two go elsewhere. "Don't touch her!" Hol aimed directly at Midler and shoot her ankle too. She screamed in pain and fell holding onto your thighs, "Run Dea! It ain't safe here!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2022 ⏰

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