Burning Angel

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Do not hold high hopes for this-
Context: Crowley is a demon who was previously Raphael until he fell as 'Crawley'


It was approaching 4am in Soho and the sun was starting its slow rise over London - specifically in this moment of time, Aziraphale's bookshop. All seemed well and peaceful, people were beginning to wake the city and go to work. However, things in A. Z. Fell & Co were about to fall.

Aziraphale had suggested that Crowley - his queer platonic boyfriend and partner in 'crime' of 6000 years - should move in. This had been a generally easy choice for the two of them, after the initial bringing up of the topic. A month had passed since their first official night together, the nerves had settled in the two variants of Angel and a regular, nightly occurrence for them had become Crowley being wrapped in Aziraphale's warmth from night to day. Tonight, however, was different.

Around 3am (ironic, really) Aziraphale had awoken rather abruptly. Any other day, the Angel would probably have a warm drink then settle back down next to the demon and drift back to sleep. Though something in the back of their mind told them to stay awake and Aziraphale thought it to be no coincidence. Following this, Aziraphale very carefully moved to get his book from the bedside table and turned the vintage lamp on. They liked these lamps, they were bright enough to help you read in bed but didn't blind you immediately.

Back to approaching 4am, or rather just 4am now. Aziraphale was nearing the end of an astronomy book that Crowley had brought when he moved in. The Angel's mind fogged over, distracted by the feeling of twitching coming from the Fallen who was laying in their lap, still asleep. A small wave of concern washed over Aziraphale like Holy Water. The Astronomy book moved from the Angel's hands to it's current home of the bedside table.

"You're alright, Dear..." Aziraphale spoke in a gentle tone that could send any distressed person back into a state of relaxation. They ran their elegantly manicured hand through the others fiery copper hair.

‐---------------- PRE-EDEN ‐----------------

Raphael made the stars. He adored them. Nebula , Planets, Stars, the lot. The Angel was actually rarely seen in heaven, usually relaxing within the atmosphere. Admiring the Orion Nebula and the Trapezium Cluster within its heart. It wasn't that Raphael disliked Heaven but in his mind, why would he want to be 'home' when he can be 1,350 light years away from what every single Angel was currently focused on, Earth. God had changed since starting the creation of Earth, she was snappier and stricter - like a snake coiling around its prey - she seemed to be protecting Earth. Did Raphael completely understand? No, not really. Maybe today was the day he finally asked some questions. Taking his time, Raphael looked back at his newest addition to the stars. A triple star system in Centaurus, Alpha Centauri. They were beautiful, as was he, though anything could happen.

Locks of long, luscious, wavy hair followed behind him as sauntered back down to Heaven. These were in the days when God was more available for conversation. She seemed agitated but nothing Raphael couldn't handle...Right? "What is it, Raphael? Things are up and busy so this must be important." She spoke rapidly, it wasn't a snap but it wasn't the most reassuring tone either.
"Oh- uh- yes, Lord..I just wanted to ask about your plans...Why are you creating a whole new planet for these 'humans' to live on...Don't you think they'll destroy it?" Raphael tried to avoid rambling, but it was easier said than done.
God stopped what she was doing to look at the Angel. "Go on."
"I just...Don't understand..You're making a whole new planet for them...But don't want them knowing the difference between good and evil? What's the point in tha-" Raphael was cut off.
"Oh, how I've heard these words before...I'm so sorry, Raphael. It seems you have work to do, elsewhere." 

He was falling. What did he do? Did he say something wrong? All there was was silence, Raphael could feel his celestial form being shattered away like delicate China plates. He wanted to cry but no tears formed. This, right here, is any Angel's worst nightmare. The silence suddenly became filled by the sudden screams coming from the deepest part of his chest. The crackling of flames could be heard, he had to burn. The atrocious feeling of being trapped was wrapping around him and choking him. It was unbearable. For such beautiful things, flames were horrible. The stench of burning came from his wings. Once so fluffy and breath-taking, now being burnt feather by feather. They wouldn't burn off as Demons still have wings but they were midnight black and the feathers were more pointed. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Shit! The flames engulfed Raphael, drowning out the sounds of his desperate screams of agony. The sickening sensation of falling began again, the flames would not give in until he hit the floor. It was dark, depressing and dingy. Nothing seemed healthy or happy here, he was in Hell. Literally.

"Welcome, Raphael. Or should I say, Crawley."

‐---------------- PRESENT TIME ‐----------------

Crowley shot up, almost knocking heads with Aziraphale. Their breathing was rapid and panicked but they were unsure of how to calm down.
"Crowley, my dear boy...You're alright I promise.." Aziraphale held the demon close to his chest.
"It burns..." Crowley only just managed to choke out. The Demon was known to suffer from phantom pains after nightmares, as Raphael he was known for healing and helping nightmares so once he fell his nightmares were terrible.

"Nobody's going to hurt you now, I won't let them even get close to you." Aziraphale cooed, knowing to avoid touching Crowley's back. The two of them sat quietly together, the silence only ever being broken by the gentle reassurance of Aziraphale. The sun was beaming down through the bedroom window as if trying to lighten the mood.
"How about.." Aziraphale spoke, finally.
"I go and make you some tea and we can watch a movie. Whatever you'd like. The bookshop's opening times are erratic enough, I'm sure people won't mind." They continued, softly.

"Yeah...That sounds nice Angel, thank you." Crowley replied with a slight smile. It was genuine, not cocky or confident. Just, genuine. As the bright Angel got up, the sun hit them in a stunning way. It made him appear more angelic than usual; Crowley could admire him forever. Before leaving to make some tea, Aziraphale pressed a loving kiss onto Crowley's forehead.

"I love you, dear. I won't be long"

"I love you too, angel..." Crowley thought for a second as they watched their Angel leave the room. They knew they were safe. As long as they had Aziraphale.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2022 ⏰

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