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Kyo's lungs were burning as he ran through the streets lit up with fire.

"We need to get out of here!" The man, Shinjuro shouted as they ran into the woods. Ruka was running beside him, she glance over to Kyo. "How Senjuro?"

Kyo peeked to see the young boy on his back, the boy cough then pant. "He's breathing but otherwise fine!"

He heard the sounds of footsteps from behind, Shinjuro came to a hail causing the two to bump into him. Right front of them were two paths one going up a mountain and the other down hill.

"Which way!?" Ruka whispered shaking the man.

Kyo panicked those footsteps were coming close, he gave Senjuro's limp body to Shinjuro. "You three go up I'll go down and buy you some time!"

Without a second thought Kyo took off in the direction down the hill.

"Is this another memory?" His mind wasn't quite processing the situation, but his instincts knew where to run.

He slid around the corner with a newfound adrenaline, cursing through his empty lungs and sore legs that everything was going to be alright.

He heard the footsteps coming towards which meant they spotted him and the three managed to flee on time. "Now how to lose them?"

As he ran there was only one question on his mind. What happened earlier? Why were they'd running? Better yet...

Who is chasing him?

Now Kyo's mind spun with more questions. Was the village attacked by bandits? Or did a fire broke out?

So deep in his thoughts Kyo fail to see that he just trip over a branch of a tree having him to fall forward right into a patch of small snow.

Picking himself up Kyo took off his shoes and carry on, barefooted.

Suddenly he found himself in a familiar dirt path and woods. "What? This is the way to the house!"

Stopping Kyo began to panic, he had to find other path! "Impossible, I was sure I took a left!"

Before he could turn around, he felt someone grabbing him the neck and lifted him up with such strength. The rough hand strangling him, Kyo thrash around trying to release himself from the grip.

Open one eye he managed to catch a glimpse of the person.

There's a man was wearing a purple-and-black bee-hive patterned nagagi kimono and black umanori-styled hakama pants tied with a white cloth.

There was a fleshy katana at his waist. His hair was a spiky black ponytail, he had red markings resembling flames on his face and neck.

Though it wasn't his facials features that caught Kyo's attention, it were the man's eyes.

The two pair of irises were yellow, slitted, like a snake. The man glared straight at Kyo, making his breath hitches as the grip on his neck tightened.

"Why Shinjuro?" The man said in between his sharp teeth.

Kyo face became confused, did this man think he was his father?

Nevertheless Kyo tried to move, wanting to free himself, but found that his limbs were becoming limp.

The sudden pressure on his neck permeated the air was overpowering and tears of frustration leaked from his eyes.

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