𝟗. My Creator... My Father

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NOOR WAS STILL waiting for a godsdamn explanation

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NOOR WAS STILL waiting for a godsdamn explanation. Walking through Cairo with Marc, she was waiting for the familiar face to pop up beside her. Zagreus had never stayed that long, away from her. There was that one time when she accidentally spoiled Love Island to him, but that was entirely different. Still, she had one thing going for her.

Her feet were now booted up.

"Do you think he could do it?" Marc asks her, giving her careful glances.

"No," she says, quickly. Then, she thinks about it. Zagreus was never one to share things about his past, and she respected it. He had died, reflecting on his past life wouldn't be very pleasant. Now, she's come to wonder if it wasn't suspicious. If he wasn't willingly hiding something from her. "I don't know. I just wish he'd show up and explain."

"Loyalty," Khonshu purrs, making Noor jump. "The little bug would make a fine Avatar, don't you think so, Marc?"

Clearly, he could not have been less subtle about what he was suggesting, because suddenly Marc is tense and ready to fistfight a god, which isn't ideal. "Don't you dare," he seethes.

Noor, standing between the two, feels like she's holding back Marc from a bad decision. "Yeah, can you not?" She huffs. "I don't know what you're suggesting, but I am not buying what you're selling, don't use my to get to Marc, it's embarrassing." Marc looks at her in surprise. She straightens herself. "And Zagreus is my friend before anything else, that's why I'm loyal to him. Besides, it's not like any of us had a choice in the matter."

She figures his eyes would have gleamed with malice when he tilted his head if he had, well... eyes. "Did you?"

She doesn't see it as anything more than Khonshu being bitter over her rejection, and brushes it off. If he could have, Zagreus would have left to be with his family in Elysium, there's no doubt about that. He would have at least told her, what with the immediate repercussions their bond had created on her life. That's, she's sure of. It's a fact, Khonshu can't plague her mind with that.

When Zagreus appeared to a 16 years old Noor, her entire life was up-rooted. When she started speaking about him to her parents, the logical answer was to send her to a specialised institute. She came out of it, two years after, depressed and anxiety-ridden, with the deepest feeling that something was wrong with her. She had to drop out of school. She loved school. Her mother was too ashamed by what she'd done, sending her to that place, she couldn't even face her. And her dad took her in, making sure that she'd never think of herself as anything more than a coward and a burden. Zagreus had said that the bond was transmitted through her blood. There was no one to hate but herself for it.

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