Chapter Five: You Know What It's Like To Be Unmade?

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Hey guys! The picture above is Glory Northern, but with green eyes instead of blue. :) This is short chapter, sorry :/ but I wanted to update again. I may update later this evening, but I wanted to get this out ;)

Also, I added music to the past chapters, so I really suggest you go check those out. :)

Love and Light,

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Picture is a model (unknown) from The Rebel PIN-UP Page.

Music is "Every Breath You Take" The Police cover in minor key by Chase Holdefer.

All right go to their rightful owners.

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"Have you ever had someone take your brain and play? Pull you out and stuff something else in? You know what it's like to be unmade?" ~Clint Barton

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Sometime that evening, I fell a shift under me. My body feels weightless, and a cool breeze comes across my face. I struggle against the binds that are around me, aching for room to stretch out. I curl in on myself, the cold night getting under my thin skin.

A hushed voice whispers to me and tells me to sleep. It's a man's voice. Smooth and foreign. He whispers sweet nothings from another language; a lullaby.

I quietly drift back into dreamland, not a care in the world. I feel my back come into contact with a soft, warm cloud. It surrounds me and keeps me safe. It feels like being in a hot bath.

That's the last thought before I find sleep.

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Waking up has never been hard for me. I'm a morning person. I love the sunrise, orange juice with breakfast, and having time to myself before the day gets too busy. It helps me stay foused on the tasks ahead.

Today is not one of those days. I went to bed late, I ate way too much, and I feel like shit.

Language, I mentally tell myself.

Can you roll your eyes at yourself?

As I try to stretch my arms out, as I usually do in the mornings, I find myself caught in something. A warm cage of flesh. I open my eyes and find Pietro freaking Maximoff cuddled up to me. His strong arms are around me, tightly but not hurtful, and his face is buried into my neck. His breathing is soft and natural.

I blush as I realize that the movement I felt last night was probably Pietro carrying me, or us, to bed. I must've fallen asleep durring our third or so movie. After I had gotten Pietro addicted to Disney movies, I let him watch Bambi and then Wall·E.

That was a bad idea. Never knew how big Sokovian's tear ducts are.

As I try to slip out from his grasp, he just holds on tighter. I try to shake him awake, but he's out cold. I wonder how long it's been since he's had a good nights rest.

Eventually slipping out and replacing myself with a pillow, I tip toe into the bathroom, taking the quickest of showers, drying my hair so that the messy curls are now straight, and doing my everyday makeup look; it's Marilyn Monroe inspired.

After getting all this done and changing into fresh black jeans and a golden sweater (gold is my favorite color), I walk back into my bedroom. My very own personal Quicksilver is still sound asleep. His grasp on the pillow hasn't weakened, and his fluffy, white hair is all over the place.

I smile at the sight. He looks so much like a little boy, or at least, a normal boy his age. A twenty-some year old man shouldn't have to deal with the things he has... and is.

I walk silently as a cat over to the queen mattress, crawl on it, and sit cross-legged beside him. I lean down, and whisper," Pietro, time to wake up. Wakey wakey-"

Pietro wakes up in a flash and jumps up, grabbing my wrists and pinning then down above my head as I'm forced to the mattress. I whimper as my arms are held too tightly by his firm, unforgiving grasp. Pietro leans over me, his jaw clenching as he makes the most intimidating face I've seen from him. His eyes are glowing bright blue; I've only seen this from him when he's angry.

"Pietro! It's me!" I cry, tears forming in my eyes. "It's Glory! I... I'm your friend, remember?" Pietro looks around, confused. "You're here with me, at my house. You're safe. You're safe."

I keep repeating reassurances to him as he slowly comes down from his living nightmare. He snaps out of it and goes back to himself as quickly as he changed. His eyes go back to normal and they're filled with horror as he jumps away from me.

"G-Glory," he whispers, almost not believing it. I hold my wrists to my chest and watch him carefully. When he realizes what he's done, his eyes get wider and he back away even more. "I-I..." he whispers. "Мне жаль. Прости меня." He runs off without saying another word.


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Russian words:

"Мне жаль. Прости меня."

English translation:

"I'm sorry. Forgive me."

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Hey guys!

A reader of mine pointed out that not everyone knows Russian (I don't either, I use Google translate, so if you know of a better way to phrase things, let me know!).

So starting now, if I dont specifically mention a definition in the story, I'll list the Russian words and their translations at the end of the chapter (as seen above).

Thank you sooo muuch myraschiii for pointing at out! :) This chapter is dedicated to you.

Sorrry for the confusion! If anyone has any ideas for improving the story plot or structure, let me know!

Love and Light,

Age of Glory | Pietro MaximoffWhere stories live. Discover now