Getting to know Anya more

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"Don't wanna!" Anya complains. "I don't wanna study!" Loid does not lower the book. "I need to know how smart you are for this exam."

"I don't need to study to do any tests. If I just read other people's-" Anya stops herself revealing she almost gave away her secret.

"Are you planning on cheating? Listen. If you don't get into this school..." Loid starts.

My mission fails.

Loid slams the book on the coffee table and gives a hardened stare. After a few seconds, he gives up and walks up with a "Fine, then." He puts on his coat as he tells Anya, "I'm heading out." Anya goes to follow until Loid points to her. "You're not coming with me today. No matter what, you're staying home." He orders and leaves the place.

As he heads down the stairs, his ears perk up at the sound of the door opening, and looks to see the little pinkette peeking out. "Hey!" He shouts and runs back. He pushes the door open to make Anya stumble away. "I told you, you're not coming!"

After a bit, he points to a green bin where Anya is hiding behind. "You're there! Do you think I don't see you?"

Later, he points to a space under the stairs. "There!" And at the moved ceiling tile by the ladders. Every place he points out, Anya shows herself with a smile.

Papa's good at hide and seek. This is so much fun! 

"So that's why you're late?" A bored-looking man with an afro, glasses and an earring asks. "In the end, I put up a barricade in front of the door and trapped her inside," Loid explains recalling the memory of him heaving tiredly after he finished trapping Anya.

"I'm praying that you don't get reported for child abuse." The man sighs. "Who knows what children are thinking." Loid wonders as he sets down his hat. "Their method of always crying to get their way is truly annoying."

"Hate to tell you this, Twilight, but crying is their job." The man says and pulls out two envelopes, one bigger than the. "More importantly, here's what you asked for. An application, ticket for the exam, and the exam questions for new students and the one for transfers. The other one is the list of all teenagers with good grades and complicated backgrounds. Honestly, when I narrowed the list to ones that don't draw any attention, it got less than a fifth of all of them." Loid takes the letters and put them in his pocket. "Thanks, Franky."

"Look, you better get searching for that other kid, bonding with teenagers is difficult and you have to gain their trust." Franky ushers and Loid sighs. "I know, dealing with Anya has been quite a hassle that I end up forgetting about it. Perhaps they could help me deal with her, too."

"Oh, speaking of your daughter," Franky pulls up a piece of paper. "I dug up some records on her past that the orphanage didn't have." Loid takes the paper and unfolds it to take a look. "I couldn't find anything about her birth." Franky continues. "No info on her age or parents, either. I could only find information from the last year, but she's been adopted four times and returned each time. She's also been to two other orphanages."

"Anya Williams, Anya Levski, Anya Roche..." Loid lists off the names. "She changes names as much as you do," Franky remarks. "You guys are perfect for each other." He says with a smirk. Loid glares at Franky and the glasses-wearing man gets nervous. "Hey, I'm kidding. This is for your mission, right?"

"She may be a kid, but no good's gonna come out of getting too attached." Loid stuffs the paper along with the envelopes and puts his hat back on. "Thanks for the concern." He says and walks off.

"Hang on, where's my money?!" Franky calls out to Loid in vain. "Damn it, who knows what spies are thinking, either?"

Back at home, Anya lays in a starfish way on the sofa.

I'm so bored. Spies aren't like what I thought.

Anya looks back to her spy poster. Her eyes then move over to the locked door, recalling a memory of Loid trying to put his things up.

I can't have her messing with my spy equipment, so I'll lock it up.

Anya peeks out from the couch with a mischievous smile while she listens in on her father's thoughts.

The code is 6, 1...

1, 0

Anya unlocks the door and goes through the equipment while singing, "Bomby-bombs! Bomby-bombs!" She takes out one piece of equipment, inspects it, tosses it aside, and repeats until her eyes land on a suitcase. She quickly unlatches it and marvels at the device inside. "Ooh, secret messages!" She messes with the machine.

Over at a building, a worker calls out. "Boss! We've intercepted a new message." The same man who didn't get the photos of the minister without the toupee. "Is it using the West's cipher?" He asks.

"No, it's just plain text." The man listening to the message says. "It says...Twilight here... this is the frequency used by Western intelligence. Oh, there's more. Catch me if you can."

The boss's face goes red with frustration, grinding his teeth together. "Hurry up and pinpoint where it's coming from!" He demands.

Anya shuts the suitcase and wipes her forehead, letting out a whew. She looks behind her to see the mess she created. Her mind races and she thinks about how her dad will react by pulling out a gun and saying, "Now that you've found out I'm a spy, you'll have to disappear."

Anya hurriedly puts the equipment back where she found them. Once she is done, she begins thinking.

If he finds out I'm a telepath... I'll have to leave.

"Anya, you mustn't tell anyone about your power."

"It's time to study now, Anya." A scientist tells a younger Anya. "But I wanna draw..." She pleas, not liking study time. The scientist scowls. "Don't bother with childish games. We must use your power for the sake of world peace." Anya begins to cry, but the man does not relent in the slightest. "There's no time for tears, either. Now, enough playing. Back to studying."

Back to the present, Anya wipes her tears away.

Loid finally arrives at the apartment and walks up the stairs. He holds onto a paper bag full of groceries.

She'd better not have messed up the apartment.

He reaches the top of the stairs and sees the barricade.

Oh, right. I need to move this.

Something on the floor catches Loid's attention and his eyes go tin in suspicion. He opens the door and walks in.

A rugged man pops from behind the door and swings a pipe at Loid's face, Loid swiftly ducks down, and his hat is the only thing the pipe hits. Loid then serves a swift uppercut on the chin.

Another man comes out, aiming a gun. Loid holds the paper bag in front of him and the cans in there protect him from the firing gun. He tosses a can of tuna to the shooter, and it hits him square in the face.

As the man beds in pain, Loid runs around the man and slams the dinner table down onto the shooter.

Who the hell are these guys?!

Loid sets the chair and bolts to the doors.


After seeing that she isn't in her room, checks the other room. "Anya!" He calls out, only to see the girl's plush laying on the floor.

She's been kidnapped? By whoever sent these thugs? But why? I need to find her immediately. Calm down. From the looks of it, I've been compromised. I need to get to safety immediately. As for Anya... there are plenty of other children out there.

Loid goes to pick up the stuffed animal, not aware that the man with the pipe is awake and swinging down on him.

As the car that has Anya drives off, a girl watches the vehicle with her eyes narrowed in suspicion. "Looks like dinner will be a little late." She mutters and runs back into the alley to take a shortcut. 

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