Introducing: Y/n the hero!

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The trio continues to stare at each other, only one of them knows what the other two are thinking.

What the hell? Who is this kid? Not to mention how she was able to throw that man through a brick wall.

I can't believe I was so careless! They've seen my face and seen that I'm stronger than I should be. Killing them is out of the question, no way I'm harming a child or taking away her father. Come on, y/n you have super intelligence, think!

A superhero! How exciting! Must make her my sissy!

Anya grips Loid's shirt and points to the older girl. "Papa! That bad guy hurt sissy! We have to heal her!" Loid snaps his eyes to his daughter in shock. "Hold on, sissy?" He asks, confused. Y/n blinks and tilts her head, confused as well.

The girl clearly knows how to defend herself. Wait, what am I saying? She probably has a family of her own. But those wounds... they need to be treated right away. There's a hospital close by.

Anya struggles in Loid's arms, eventually escaping his grasp. Once she lands on her feet, she dashes at the teen and grabs her hand. "Anya and Papa will help you, sissy. Please come with us!" She begs, her eyes bright with pleading.

She's asking to help me? No, I shouldn't take others for granted. She shouldn't worry about me, I don't deserve it. But...

The teen's face still shows to be neutral, but in her head, she's squealing in delight as she continues to look at Anya's face.

How can I say no to someone so cute? It feels like my heart's gonna explode! What did I do to deserve to see such a cute sight?

Before the teen can speak, she's suddenly lifted into Loid's arms. A surprised squeak leaves her lips, but she keeps her words in her throat.

"You shouldn't be walking with those wounds. We can call your guardians once we get to the hospital." He says, showing he is not taking any objections.

Not long after, the three arrive at the hospital. Not too long, a lot of blood has left the girl, showing through her skin turning pale and the sweat increasing on her head.

I'm losing too much, but I can't activate my super healing. It's way too flashy that anybody can notice it. When everyone is not looking, I'll pay for the checkup and leave. I shouldn't be inconveniencing these people.

Anya is shocked by y/n's thoughts and her face hardens with determination.

Later, y/n's wounds are treated right away. With the hospital already being in a shady place, she was able to get looked at the moment she walked- er, was carried through the doors.

As the doctor finishes up the bandaging, he asks the question. "Now that you're all patched up, can you give us your name and your guardian's contact information? We'll give them a call to let them know that you're here." He then moves back the hospital gown into a more comfortable position after he had it covering all, but the wounds needed for dressing.

Y/n holds up her hand in refusal. "No need. I'm by myself, actually." She answers and looks away.

Nobody should worry about taking care of me. I should look out for the people who can't help themselves, not the other way around. It was what I was made to do.

Loid's eyes don't leave the teen, his face showing that he's thinking hard.

All alone in this world? She seems responsible enough if she's taking care of herself. If I can get a name, Franky can look her up.

"That so? Well, let me get these papers in and I can prescribe you some pain meds. So can I have your name?" The Doctor asks politely.

"... just y/n." The girl says after a moment of silence. The doctor nods and leaves the room.

Loid approaches y/n and smiles at the girl. "I'm going to go and get you some new clothes. I'm sure that the ones you had on are ruined now. Do you have any preferences?"

The girl panics and she begins flailing her hands around with a blush on her cheeks. "P-please don't! You've done enough! I can just stitch up my clothes when I get back home!"

The smile on Loid's face doesn't falter. "I insist. I can't let you walk around in those clothing." 

Very humble. And I have a name. I can get to Franky and get the things in time. Come on, say yes.

"I'll stay with Sissy, Papa!" Anya declares and hugs y/n's leg. Y/n looks down to see Anya staring at her again with those cute eyes. Just a few seconds, y/n lowers her head and mumbles loud enough, "I like f/c."

 Loid nods and pats Anya's head. "You make sure Miss y/n is comfy. I won't be long." And like that, he walks off.

Did- did this guy just leave his kid with me? A stranger? I can't believe this! Why does this guy trust me?

"Sissy is so nice! Papa thinks you're super strong to protect Anya!" The pinkette proclaims. Y/n helps Anya to the bed as she asks, "Why do you call me Sissy?"

"Because I want you to be my sissy!" Papa wants me to have a big sibwing, so I don't feel lonely when he's at work!" Anya quickly comes up, proud of what she thought of.

"Oh? What about your mother? Is she busy as well?" Y/n asks, relaxing her muscles more. Anya looks down and kicks her feet. "I don't have a mama."

Y/n slaps her hands to her mouth. "That was so rude of me to ask, I'm sorry!"

Great, now I made this little one sad. I knew I should have run! Why do I not think through when I'm about to say something?

"Anya forgives you! Only if you promise to be my big Sissy. Please? I really want you to be!" Anya pleads with her hands clasped with one another.

While y/n is in turmoil, Loid has the bag of a fresh shirt and an f/c hoodie. He's now at the shop Franky's located.

"Let's see, y/n no last name," Franky mutters as he types away at the computer. A ping pops up and Franky smiles. "Ah! Here we are! Age 17 at (birthday date), best grades in school. She even got first place at a night cram school, and lives by herself, you found yourself a goldmine, Twilight!" He praises.

"What about her parents?" Loid asks, keeping his focus on the important things. Franky rolls his eyes and types some more. "All right, her parents... Woah."

"What?" Loid asks, wondering why his coworker looks surprised.

"I think it's better if you see this," Franks says in a serious tone and shows the screen. Loid scans the screen, and his eyes go wide.

Later at the hospital, Anya and y/n continue to talk to one another until the door opens with Loid walking in. "Papa!" Anya calls out happily and runs to the man. Loid picks up Anya and continues his way to the teen. He hands her a plastic bag. "Here you are."

Y/n takes the bag and nods. "Thank you. I'll make sure to pay you back." Loid shakes his head. "No need, I'm happy to help."

She's warming up, that's good. But I need to find a way to convince her to let me take her in.

"Y/n please be my sissy!" Anya yells, shocking Loid, but y/n sighs. "I'm sorry, she's been going on about how I should become a part of your family. " She explains with her head bowed. "I didn't know how to refuse her."

"I-I see..." Loid mutters.

Good work, Anya!

"Actually, how do you feel about being a part of this family?" Loid asks, surprising the teen again. "What?!"

"You see, my daughter is applying to Eden college, and it would be great for her to have someone to help her with her studies other than me. Not to mention, I see potential in you. I can't let that go to waste." Loid explains happily.

Does this man want to take me in? Being a part of a family... I've never thought about it. It could be nice. No, I shouldn't have them go through all this trouble for me. I'm not worthy. But what about those people following me? I've no idea who they are, but I know they want to take me in. If not deserving this, maybe I can have a family so I can continue my work.

"Are you sure, sir?" y/n asks just to be sure. With an assuring smile from Loid, y/n nods. "Thank you, sir."

"Please, call me Dad.

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