Dangerous Man

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Silas's pov

This school and all are just soo boring. I wanted to skip classes but it is impossible. I heard rules are very strict. My sister begged me to come along with her just to see Lennon. Why does she have an obsession with him? 

If I weren't for my sister I wouldn't have come here instead I would've joined my father in doing things. God! I never missed home this much. Finally the bell rang. Let's do something fun. 

I hoped to find Lennon and his gang but they were nowhere to be seen. I just started walking to my classroom again. As soon as I entered a can of bright red paint fell on me. What the hell!? I glared at my laughing classmates. 

They were scared, everyone would be scared of me just  with one glare with my blood red eyes. "We - ar-e so-o so-r-r-y Mr. Hansen", they said pleadingly. "Hm", I said just nodding and getting away from them. I went to washroom and cleaned my self but my shirt was full of Cardinal red color paint stains.

 Just like blood stains. It made me look like a bloody murderer. But I am okay with that. Let's how many of them will be fooled by me today. It's going to be fun. I walked down the hallway and could see all fearful eyes on me.

 Just as I was going out someone dashed into me and fell back hard. I couldn't blame myself for my well built muscles. I looked down to see the most lustrous big blue eyes staring back at me with fear. Have I ever seen someone as beauteous as her? 

No I guess. Wait why is she crying? I took a step forward to know the reason or maybe I can console her. But, with each step I took, she took her steps backwards. Is she having a panic attack? Just like that she fainted. 

What? I caught her before she fell on to the ground. Gently I laid her on the ground. "Hey!, I don't want you to die on me", I said. No reply. I have to take her to the hospital. 

One hand on her waist while the other on her shoulder, I lifted her up and rushed to the hospital. She was admitted. The doctor said it's okay, she was just scared. 

Seems like she has Hemophobia. I went a little too far didn't I? My first encounter with an Radiant woman is a disaster!.

╚═★ 𝑇ℎ𝑖𝑟𝑑 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑜𝑛'𝑠 𝑝𝑜𝑣 ★═╝ 

As Silas decided to prank someone, he found his target but, didn't expect it to be a captivating woman. 

He didn't know what made Adele cry, he didn't know she was scared of blood and she didn't know the stains wasn't blood.

 With each concerning step Silas took, Adele took her fearful steps back. She fainted of  fear and thankfully Silas caught her on time and took her to the hospital.

 Being the knight in the shining armor for Adele. All this was caught by a student who was passing by.

 He thought Silas there was going to kill Adele and ran to bring help. Being the schools goddess, Adele has many followers. 

The boy went to the popular boy group( Lennon, Rio, James) and described the situation panting.

Lennon's pov 

I was just hanging out with Rio and James. Thankfully they helped me get rid of Sia for sometime. We were having our Bicerin and suddenly a guy came running as fast as deer to us.

 "What happened?", we asked out of concern. "Si-Si-las, h-e". Silas, what the hell? Is he in trouble again or troubled any student. This annoying brat. "What did he do?", I asked. 

Rio and James looked at me with confusion. They didn't know I knew him. "He is Sia's brother and lives in my house", I said. "Oh!, you should introduce him to us sometime, we can add a new member in our group", Rio said. 

"Trust me, you do no want him here", I said. "Now continue", I said turning to the boy worriedly. "He, He, I-s goi-n-g to, to-to ki-ll m-i-ss A-d-ele", he said panting. "What", we all exclaimed at once as we choked on our drink. What in the..

 What?, If he dares to lay a finger on her, he is awaiting death. "Where is he now?", We questioned. "I saw miss fainted and he took her and left". I'll make sure this guy will get slow and torturous death. I don't care about his background, I am going to kill him. I took out my phone and called him. "Took you a while to answer Silas", I said. 

"Aww, my sweetie friend is called me wait, let me check when's the last time you called me". "Um". "Is Adele with you?", I asked as fear took over me. How is Addie now? Is she okay?. "Um if you are talking about the girl with baby blue eyes and blonde hair and red skirt.. Then yes". 

"Yes she is Adele, if you dare lay a hand of her, I will kill you", I said angrily. "Make that two of them", Rio said. "Make it three", James said.

 "Silas, I am warning you, If you dare do anything to Adele, you'll not see the light again". "Woah, woah, calm down, I did nothing to her, I took her to the hospital as she fainted looking at my gorgeous self". "What?", I asked, asking him to elaborate. 

"You see, I was drenched in red paint so I washed my self but, there were stains on my shirt. I was rushing out to get my self a brand new shirt and this girl bumped into me. She thought the paint was blood and I've come to kill her and having fear of blood she fainted and being a kind man I was, I couldn't leave her and took her to the hospital, the doctor said, she was okay and just fainted because she was scared.. Pheww". 

We were listening patiently and asked him to send the address, he did and without wasting anytime we rushed to the hospital. "Aren't you going to thank me for saving her", he said. "NO", we all replied in sync. 

"That's rude", he exclaimed. "All of you are like drenched pigs", he commented laughing. "Not funny", we said irritably.

 "Wanna hear a joke, this might calm you down", he said giggling. Not again, not now. "Why can't you send a duck to space?". 

"Because the bill would be astronomical!", saying he laughed at his own joke. "Not funny", me and James exclaimed while Rio was chuckling. 

How could he crack jokes in this situation? We glared at them and then they both stopped.

After quite sometime, the doctor came and said, "Miss Adele has woken up!". 

Liking where this story is going!

Hope you liked it as much as I did!

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