24. Casterly Rock

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'I don't mean to disturb you,' Margaery said as Sansa knelt and prayed

'You haven't.' Sansa told her standing up. Her aunt had went to talk to someone and said she would find her later. Sansa didn't know why Caro didn't like Margaery, she seemed perfectly nice.

'we'd like some privacy please if you wouldn't mind waiting inside the keep,' Margaery told the guards 'or if you'd be kind enough to give me your names I will ask King to speak with you himself?' Margaery threaten sweetly as she walked past them. Since sansa was on house arrest still not able to go anywhere without guards, they didn't want her running, just in case they needed to chop off her head. Caro had more wiggle room but it still felt like another cage. 'what did you pray for?'

'I can't tell you.' Sansa told her

'Why not? I'll tell you what I pray for... I was at the sept this morning let's see... for my family's health and happiness for an end to the war for a short winter boring in tradition I'm afraid and you?'

'I'm sorry I just can't,' Sansa told her

'My cousin Alana was the most beautiful girl I've ever seen but I was 12 I was all elbows and knees and Alana looks like a goddess sent a torture me pig face she called me.' Margaery told them as they walked.

'Pig face that's ridiculous.'

'I think it had something to do with my nose whenever she passed me in the hall she would oink.' Margaery told them.

'I was so mad, so I pray that she'd catch a horrible skin disease A week after that she came down with porridge plague.'

'Porridge plague?' Sansa questioned.

'Oh you don't have another North?' Margaery questioned. 'Your skin starts to look like boiled oats and eventually your face falls off and you die in agony.'

'That's awful,' Sansa said and Margaery nodded and Margaery chuckled as well. 'you are unbelievable I believed you porridge plague, I'm an idiot.'

'Don't say that no you're not.' Margaery said as they continued on their walk

'So what happened to Alana?'

'Oh she is still the most beautiful woman and married a handsome Lord and they have darling children and live in a castle by the sea it's all terribly frustrating.' Margaery told them.

'I'm sure she's jealous of you now. You'll be married here in the capital and she'll have to come watch you pretend to be happy that you're a queen.' Sansa told her

'I want us to be friends good friends.'

'That would make me very happy.' Sansa told her, Caro was wrong, Margaery was wonderful.

'You must visit high garden you'd love it there I know you would. we have a great masquerade the night of the harvest moon you should see the costumes people work on them for months.' Margaery told her.

'I don't think the queen would let me leave kings landing.' Sansa reminded her. "My aunt... I think she is trying to get me my freedom."

'The queen regent you mean.' Margaery corrected 'once I marry Joffrey I'll be queen and if you were to marry Loras...' Margaery suggested

'Your place would be at high garden wouldn't it?' Margaery went on with a wink.

'We would be sisters, would you like that?' Margaery asked and Sansa nodded. Caro was definitely wrong about Margaery, she was perfect.


"Tyrion can we talk?" Caro asked softly.

"yes." Tyrion agreed he looked to Bronn his focus still on Caro. "Out Bronn." Tyrion demanded.

"And things were just getting interesting." Bronn remarked with a wink. Caro rolled her eyes as she shut the door behind him.

"What can I do for you?" Tyrion asked.

"I need to get Sansa out of here." Caro told him bluntly.

"I figured you would." Tyrion agreed.

"She is no longer wed to Joffrey. I want to-"

"You know my father will never allow you to take her anywhere." Tyrion remarked. "Because there would be no reason for you to come back." Caro groaned as she sat down across from him. "My father seems to tolerate you." Tyrion offered.

"Thanks." Caro said sarcastically.

"Not just anyone can tell him off." Tyrion remarked. "And live to tell the tale."

"Well perhaps he needs it." Caro whispered.

"You know... I've never seen him like this."

"Like what?"

"I saw him smile." Tyrion remarked.

"Is that new?" Caro countered.

"My uncle once told me that my father never smiled, never laughed. Only my mother could make him laugh, four times that he knew of." Tyrion informed her.

"So he doesn't have a funny bone." Caro offered.

"I have seen him smile more since you two arrived just a few days ago than I have in my whole existence."

"I think you are being dramatic." Caro told him.

"I wish I was." Tyrion countered. "Did you ever think maybe this union- okay as I think it I know its ridiculous but I'm going to say it anyways, alright?" Tyrion told her.

"Is this a I'm going to need a drink statement?" Caro retorted and he hesitated before pouring her a glass and took a long sip before she looked back at him. "Go on." She encouraged.

"That this union might actually work." Caro took another sip.

"I'm going to say this because I do sort of like you." Caro remarked. "And I told the same to Tywin."

"Sort of, that's a good start." Tyrion agreed filling her glass.

"Your brother, drove a dagger through my husbands eye." Caro reminded him. "Killed him, murdered him, he died in my arms. My brother was murdered by your nephew." Caro went on calmly. "Your nephew, who is the child of incest, your brother and sister put bastards on the throne." Tyrion nodded stiffly. "Jon, my Jon, Ned's son. I love him. I have nothing against bastards. It is rotten little boys like Joffrey. You people put a crown on a temperamental little cunt with no soul, no moral compass only what he wants."

"I agree." Tyrion told her and Caro stared back at him. "We are in agreement. My family is awful. Your sister in law did-"

"A lapse in sanity on her behalf." Caro cut in.

"Yes..." Tyrion agreed as Caro took another sip.

"I just want her to be safe." Caro told him.

"Why are you not going to my father about this? He is the hand." Tyrion reminded her.

"Because we both know that he won't agree."

"And you think I have some power?" Tyrion chuckled. "Oh Carolina, you beautiful fool."

"More than me." Caro countered.

"You are lady Lannister now. Perhaps you suggest..." Tyrion sighed thinking it through.

"Casterly rock." They said simultaneously.

"Exactly." Tyrion agreed.

"You think he would agree to that? That would be safer, she would be farther away from Joffrey, Winterfell is currently a fucking bolton-" she practically growled as she put down her glass.

"They took your home. Make a new home." Tyrion suggested. Caro nodded pursing her lips.

"I could... that could work." Caro agreed. "Lady Lannister shouldn't be at the capital," she caught her lip between her teeth as her eyes veered off.

"You will probably be under guard and my father will want to put an heir in you before you leave..." Tyrion added and Caro met his gaze.

"Thank you Tyrion." Caro said getting up.

"Anytime. Always happy to help my mother dearest." Tyrion called after her and she gave him her middle finger as she headed out. Tyrion chuckled leaning back in his chair. 

Carolina // Tywin Lannister (2)Where stories live. Discover now