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Tony: Loki... Why do you have a creepy smile on your face?

Natasha: doesn't he always have a creepy smile?

Loki: Steve is back. Can't I be happy?

Clint: I didn't know you could have emotions.

Bruce: He's not a robot like Ultron

*all shiver*

Steve: we agreed never to mention that again... And when did you turn back into Bruce?

Bruce: you ask too many questions Stevie Wonder Boy

Tony: ..... Alright back to Loki. Since when do you even like Steve?!

Loki: I have my ways.

Steve: :D

Natasha: oh god

Loki: Natasha darling... Have you gained weight?

All of the boys: :O ......


Natasha: I. Will. Murder. You

Bruce: Natasha chill.... he's just a ass hole

Clint: hey. Steve doesn't like that kinda language.

Steve: Oh shut up!

Tony: Nat why don't you go to your room or the pool to cool off. I mean Loki is just messing with you..... hehe right?

Loki: No. She is just gaining weight in one spot. Right around her belly button. If I didn't know any better I'd say she was pregnant.

Thor: BABYYYY!!!!!

Tony: Thor don't be stupid... She's not pregnant

Bruce: well he's not wrong.... She is gaining weight in the appropriate place. Are you Nat?

Sam: hey I brought one of my moms homemade chocolate cakes!

Clint: Sam you have the worst timing on things.....

Sam: are you talking about nat being pregnant? Because I think she is!

Steve: Nat?

Natasha: Okay fine yes I'm pregnant! Happy?

*Nat crosses arms*

Clint: Actually WE are pregnant.....


Tony: Holy Sh-

Steve: Shivers!!! You gonna have a hawkling!!!

Sam: Yayyyy!!!

Thor: BABY!!! Baby baby baby!!

Tony: a little Hawkeye and widow? Great....

Bruce: I can't believe it...

Natasha: Actually it's not one baby.... It's two....

Clint: Tada....

*steve faints*

Tony: Dammit Steve not again!!

Baby Hawlings on the way!! Yay! Here is a update so yup!! Happy almost school out! 13 days left for me and five of those are finals. Only come in for two hours each day so I'm happy! Age of Ultron was amazing and I won't do any spoilers (except I did do one in this). I won't tell you which it is tho. It was a great movie and I think you'll love it! I'm going to Indy PopCon in June so I will prob be Fangirling up until then lol! Thank you for reading and voting!

QOTD: Have or have you wanted to go to a con? And what would you dress as?

AOTD: Hell yeah! Indy Popcon! I'm going as Misa Amane from death note. My cousin loves it so we are going as some characters!

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