Mood Swings Much?

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-The Avengers have logged on
- Loki has logged on
Tony: Nat, you wanna explain to me why you have Loki in a head lock.....with your thighs?
Clint: I believe it's called The Master Thigh Hold!
Steve: either way.... Natasha why are you doing it?
Natasha: He stole my red headband!
Tony: -_- is that what this is all about? Can someone say PMS?
Natasha: why don't I just wipe that smirk off your face!
Sam: Natasha.... I'm sure Loki didn't mean to.... Why don't you just go eat..... AH CHAIR!
Bruce: Why did you throw a freakin chair at him?
Clint: Natasha release Loki
Natasha: 'eye roll'
[releases Loki]
Loki: Gah! What the hell Romanoff!?
[nat walks upstairs without saying a word]
Steve: I think she's just upset
Clint: I've got this
[clint walks up to Natasha room and knocks on door. He opened it to find her sitting on the bed, head in hands]
Clint: Natasha.... Baby are you okay?
Natasha: I-I'm fine clint. Just leave.
Clint: Nat.... Everyone knows when a girl says there fine, their never fine.
[Steve, Tony, Thor, Sam, Bruce, and Loki are standing outside Natasha's door with their ears pressed up to it]
Tony: *Steve your breathing to loud!*
Steve: *well Banners knee is in my spine!*
Bruce: *Thor is sitting on me for Christ's sake*
Sam: *yeah we'll Loki is here filming all this on his phone!*
[all turn to Loki]
Loki: Whattt?
All of them: *Shhhh!!!!!*
Clint: Natasha I-I don't know what to say.... Are you positive?
Natasha: Yes, I'm sure. I'm so sorry
Clint: it's not your fault. And I'm very happy.
[kisses her cheek]
Nat: thank you, me too
Tony: *God damn I missed it! What the hell happened?!?*
Steve: *you all were talking to loud! Maybe they foundued....*
Bruce: *Steve not everything involves fondue!*
[tony leans against wall playing on his phone, Steve takes out a comic book and lays on the ground, Bruce starts fixing a light bulb, Sam bends down to tie shoe, Loki flips through the video to see if he caught anything, and Thor stands there awkwardly at the door]
[clint opens door]
Clint: ah guys....what are you guys doing here?
Tony: oh you know, normal things
Steve: very foundueish things to *wink wink*
Bruce: 'Face Palm'
Sam: I'm just gonna go....
Thor: ME TOO
-Sam has logged off
-Thor has logged off
Bruce: You know science is calling me
Steve: I'm just gonna go....pee
- Steve has logged off
-Bruce has logged off
Loki: So what's this big news?
Tony: yea just spill already!
Natasha: we'll.....
Hey everyone! Happy 75 years Marvel! And who's excited for next weeks AOS!! I know I am! Comment your favorite character from SHIELD below. Oh and if you saw the Marvel 75 years thing on tv, how cool was that?!? I mean damn. Oh and sorry for the awkward spacing. My phone is stupid! Anyways, thank you for the votes and reads. I love you all my little nerdlings! So all you knights, kings, queens, treks, star wars, nerds, avengers, xmen, justic league, and whatever else you are, I hope you have a nerdy day!

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