chapter 2

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present time —
kats pov—

i woke up to my phone ringing

it was still dark out why is someone calling me?

i pick it up and answer whoever was calling me back



"nick what the fuck, its 4 in the morning why the fuck are you calling me" i say annoyed

"were going to the beach to watch the sunrise, its the first day of summer!!!" he responds

"ugh i dont wanna get out of bed" i say

"well too bad because were about to pick you up" he says exited

"oh my god nick give me 10 minutes and ill be outside"

the triplets lived really close to me because we live near our primary school and high school which we dont go to anymore because we've graduated but we just haven't moved

i could walk to there house it would literally only take a few minutes

i sleepily got out of bed and put on cute blue trackies and a white baggy top as i didnt really wanna show skin at the moment

i put on my moisturiser brushed my hair and sat on my bed for a bit

after what i thought was about 10 minutes since i called nick i headed outside i left a note in the kitchen in case my mum woke up before i got back and went to the front and locked the door behind me

i sat on the front step before a car came around the corner and i noticed the familiar van

it stopped infront of my house and the back door opened

"KAT!" nick came rushing to hug me

"nicki!!" i say now engulfed in his arms

he pulls away

"i missed you" he says

"me too, now where's that brother of yours" i saw smirking

as if i had summoned him chris came out of the passenger seat and ran towards me

"kattyyyy!!!" he says now giving me a tighter hug lifted me of the group spinning me in circles

"hey chrissy, ive missed you" i say

"same here" he replies

"ok lets go, dont wanna keep matt waiting" nick said

i scoffed

i got in the car and sat in the back next to nick and matt stares at me in the review mirror

"what took you so long" he asks with a slight sound of annoyance in his voice

i chose to ignore him and started chatting to nick

first chapterrrrrrr
hope you enjoy

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