chapter 4

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- time skip to night time -

kats pov —-

we're all hanging out in matt's room watching a movie since he had the most furniture

me and chris were on the bed and nick and matt were on the sofa infront of the bed

we're watching the titanic and since the movie is so long and i woke up so early i was getting tired

chris had his arm around me and i had my head on his shoulder

before i realised my eyes shut and i fell alseep

i opened my eyes and realised what happened

i was laying on chris chest because i stayed the night at the sturniolos

but i don't remember leaving matt's room and getting into chris bed?

i lift my head up

i'm still in matt's room.

and i'm not sleeping on chris either

i jolt up realising who i was with

but i accidentally wake him up

"ummm sorry i'll leave" i said before rushing out the door and storming towards chris

"chris?? why was i alseep in matt's room" i say waking over to him

"i didn't wanna wake you up but moving you is everything alright?" he asks

"no it's not alright you know me and him aren't friends" i say

"i'm sorry i didn't think he would actually sleep there with you" he replies

"why would he??" i ask

"well he did so...." chris replies

"he willing did? why he hates me??" i sah

"i don't know, but please forgive me?" he asks

"fine" i say now plopping next to him

sorry for the extremely short chapter this is kinda a filler but not really lol✌️

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