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This is my first time writing a Reaction Fic. I hope you will like it. Here the Avengers and others will react to their past, future and other other franchises.
Thor groaned, as he slowly opened his eyes. Cornflower blue eyes adjusted to the light, as he looked around in confusion.

"Where am I?" The AEsir Prince thought in confusion, as he looked around the White Room. Where in the Nine Realms is he? One moment he and his new comrades, The Avengers, we're celebrating their victory over Loki and The Chitauri, and another moment he is here.

His hand unconsciously reached for Mjolnir. His hand however only touched thin air, and with a jolt he realised that his trusted hammer isn't strapped on his waist.

What? Where is his hammer? Where is his Sweetheart?

Thor began to panic, as he shot up on his feet and began looking around blindly.

"Hammer!" He shouted raising his hand "Where are you!"

"Oh norns!" He muttered "Am I unworthy again?"

"Hey! Point Break" A shout interrupted his panic filled monologue, causing the Thunderer to turn sharply. His eyes widened when he saw his friends.

"My Friends" Thor greeted excitedly, sea blue eyes dancing with joy, as he looked at his Midgardian Comrades.

"Heya, Big Guy" Bruce, who had somehow reverted from his rage filled alter ego, greeted back with a warm smile.

"Any ideas, where are we and how we got here?" Natasha asked, looking around cautiously, feeling a little powerless without her "Widows-Bites".

Thor shrugged, but then his eyes fell on the last member.

"Brother!" Thor said, his voice nervous. He nearly recoiled when Loki looked at him with rage filled gaze, loathing shimmering within his exotic emerald eyes. The Heir to Realm Eternal knows that if his brother wasn't muzzled then he would have been frothing by now.

By now the others too looked at the defeated Trickster, and immediately went to the wrong conclusion.

"You!" Clint spat viciously stepping in front of the Dark God, his fist rearing back for a strike "You have done this, haven't you".

"Barton!" Steve warned placing a calming hand on the Archer's shoulder, which was immediately shrugged off.

"Clint please!" Natasha spoke, trying to calm her partner "I don't think he has done anything. His magic is bounded. Remember?".

"Yeah Hawkman! Cut Bambi some slack will you. After the thrashing that jolly Green gave him, I don't think he has the power to do it" Tony joked, ignoring Loki's glare and Bruce's embarrassed face.

"Yes, Son Of Barton. I don't think that my brother is responsible for this" Thor assured the Archer "The Anti-Magic cuffs makes sure that he couldn't use his magic".

Clint doesn't look very happy, but he huffed and relented.

"If it isn't your brother's trick" Banner says looking at the white Room "Then who did this?".

"That would be me!" A cheerful voice piped up.

The Avengers and Loki turned and come face to face with a young boy, probably age of ten, with short silver hair, green eyes, and a pale Caucasian complex. He wears goggles around his neck, wears a white shirt, black fingerless gloves, grey shorts, and black boots.

"A pleasure to meet you all." The boy smiles and gives a light bow to the two teams.

Immediately the team were on guard. This maybe a small boy, but if he has the power to Kidnap them, then he must be dangerous.

AVENGERS REACT TO STORIESWhere stories live. Discover now