This Isn't Necessary.

711 30 19

TW- Self harm and mentions, cussing, yelling.

Worcount: 1,752

You wake up from the nap and see that the bed is empty making you frown.

You see a pair of pants lying on the bed and put them on before walking downstairs. getting into the living room your eyes immediately dart to Mina and Delia both sitting on the couch deep in thought.

"Mina.. dee..?"

They both quickly look at you, Delia standing up and hugging you tightly.

You hug her back, confused, looking at Mina. She's giving you a worried looking making you pull back from the hug, laughing nervously, "Okay what's going on..?"

"Uhm... I-" Cordelia starts, her eyes staring down at your arm.

You look at her confused, looking at your arm to see a couple of stitches on each of your cuts making your eyes widen in shock.

"You were bleeding out... we had no choice..."

"Was I- you... you stitched up my arm... right?"

Cordelia and Wilhemina just stare at you before Cordelia hesitantly speaks, "they wanted to admit you there, y/n... the only reason they didn't is because they weren't able to get in contact with your mom or dad. If they took you we couldn't have done anything, they didn't care that we were your girlfriends-"

"But I-"

"Darling, what Delia is trying to say is.. no more. no more cutting. If it happens again... if you cut too deep... we won't be able to get you back until- until you're completely better."

Tears begin welding in your eyes and you sob, hugging them both tightly.

"I know, baby... It's not going to be easy... but mina and I have already gotten rid of everything you could use, okay baby-"

"What do you mean, everything?" you get up, and walk into the kitchen, quickly opening the drawer Wilhemina keeps all the knives in. They're gone. 

"Okay, that's just ridiculous! I had one slip-up, it doesn't mean you need to fucking baby-proof the whole house," you say, raising your voice as you storm out of the kitchen.

"Well, your slip-up could've gotten you killed, y/n," Wilhemina says, also raising her voice. You see tears in her eyes that she's desperately trying to hold back causing your heart to shatter.

You stare at her shocked, letting out a small "I'm sorry," just barely heard by the two women in front of you.

"Y/n-" Wilhemina pauses, closing her eyes and clenching her fist tightly.

You stare at her, wanting to know what she's going to- or was going to say.

"Just go. Go to our room," she says coldly, not even looking at you.

You stand there, not moving a muscle. To which she quickly notices, looking up at you with anger behind her eyes, "GO! GO Y/N!"

Your heart drops and you go to speak but nothing comes out. Tears fall from your eyes and you shake your head, roughly wiping them away as you rush off to the bedroom.

You hear Cordelia and Wilhemina arguing in the living room but you ignore it, slamming the door behind you.

You lock the bedroom door, walk into the bathroom connected to the room and rummage threw the drawer.

"There is no way they went threw the whole house already," you mumble to yourself practically tearing down the bathroom as you look for a blade.

You feel hopeless. Disgusting. They brought you into their relationship and you've only ruined things. They're better off without you. Your life is shit and you're only burdening them with your problems. They were probably so happy before... before you. You made their life a living hell. You've ruined their relationship. they've probably never fought before you came along.

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