Chapter 5

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 The Veiled took the consort to the old astronomy tower. Enders have no reason to search for stars anymore, so towers became abandoned and were left to decay. This specific tower had belonged to some old astronomer, she spent the majority of his nights there. An old mattress is one of the few things she left.


The door slammed aggressively making him jump. The room had glass windows and no bars which were quite strange. Upon further inspection, there were guards holding crossbows in dark towers preparing for him to jump off and fly away, even if his chain didn't even go that far Tommy wouldn't dare to leave, they annoyingly chained him to the floor. 

He had a thick metal ring around his ankle, with another thick chain attached to the stone wall. This gave him room to walk around but not go further than the stairs that went to a lower level. Most of the furniture was removed just the small wood bed nailed into the ground, and an oil lamp on top of a bed stand. A few pieces of paper lay across the room. 

Luckily the guards remembered everyone needs the bathroom and the chain was long enough to access it (barely). The room was colder than the dungeon, less musty but still cold along with the autumn rain. Speaking of rain the cold water was beating against the windows, and this brought Tommy comfort. It reminded him of home.

His area had lots of rain, its the reason they're so snowy in the winter. The land is rocky and hard to farm on, at least at first. The first people of his kingdom had been forced to compost to make their own dirt. The only reason they survived was because of the potatoes. It was the only thing that had been able to plant and grow in such short notice. 

The rain gave them hope, it grew our plants faster then other kingdoms. One day, the rain faltered. They were used to having barely any rain in the summer,  but when fall had come around there was nothing. The plants they grew in the winter began to die. After there was no sight of rain for miles Phil decided he needed to alter his kingdoms fate, thats when he stole the heart of the sea

Tommy was not born yet when all of this happened, he had only heard stories of his father swimming to an underwater castle and fighting a beast and its proxies underwater to get the heart of the sea. Tommy had always thought it was a myth the kingdom told about their king as a way to brag. 

A small knock somehow made it to Tommy's ears through the sound of pounding rain. 

"Who is it!?" Tommy yelled.

A flustered Ranboo carefully held a piece of parchment. He slid it under the door, feeling regret the moment he heard footsteps come close to the door.

Hair that glows like embers in the dark

Witt that burns even through this early October crisp

Blue eyes that stare so deep into me I swear they could see the bottom of the deepest trench

Tommy read the paper. His heart fluttered before he choked it and forced it to stay still. It was sweet, but lowkey cringe. He went into the room and found a quill and some paper.

Thanks for the poem, may I ask who the author is?

Tommy slid the paper under the door.

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