Chapter 6

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Prepare for a dramatic ass fast-moving chapter, I have not written in years I forgot pacing bare with me please.

Beware of PLOT HOLES

Hello Dream, how have you been holding up.

Are you going to discharge me due to my heart attack? If you are then don't be sweet and throw me away already.

It's harder to cut strings off loyal puppets Clay.

I'm not a puppet.

That's what the king thinks too, but let me assure you. His strings may as well be up his ass, that's how gullible he is.

"I never supported this marriage," The King hissed.

"Watch your words Apateón, you're lucky to even see me. It's not like I'm doing this for any reason besides my indescribable pain and constant boredom. I'm surprised you'd do this to me, your own blood," A purple sprite snapped back.

"Zip it, we are far from related. Now use your witchcraft to conjure me a fortune," Apateón demanded.

The whisp of a person opened a book that emerged from their palm-like body part, they looked down at it with care. Like the book was their own baby or favorite toy.

"A future foe of royal blood will steal your home, your life, and your throne. What you own is temporary as long as they're at large, mend your faults and release your bloodline then Fate may bestow mercy on you." The whisp shut the book and looked back as it meant nothing to them.

The hall was silent, the king's advisors stood straight up behind him. The king always had a temper, he was a man with a big ego who believed that karma would never catch up to him. That's probably why he was left in the Ender for so long.

They all trembled, scared the king would act out and blame them for being a traitor. A certain advisor, the only one with enough balls to talk to the king spoke up. He had a calm exterior and a charming smirk.

"He's saying that your kingdoms are going to be torn down by Phil, or one of his sons. Or an ally of his. We know it's a man because it used masculine referrals, and we both know a great kingdom led by a great King like you wouldn't fall to a frail sheila." The advisor buttered the king up with his words, adding buckets of grease to the kings growing flame of ego. The queen flinched at the comment about women, she walked out to take a breath of cold hair on a balcony.

The sprite spoke up. "I am no it, Sch-" It started but was cut off. The king pushed it back into its bottle as it rattled its glass in protest.

"Return it to its shelf, in the hidden passage under the kitchen. Near the portal room"

The servant nodded, taking the bottle and teleporting off.

"We must marry the two soon. I will milk every bit of self-respect from him before performing an execution on the battlefield and then slaughtering his army," The king laughed.

"Perfect plan my king," The advisor held back an eye roll at the rather... premature and theatrical idea.

"Thank you, I'll make sure to hold you above the violence of our soon-to-be war,"

The king looked at the rest of his advisors.

"If anything I keep these rats around for looks," He punctuated his sentence by dismissively waving his hand at his other advisors; who drooped at his disappointment.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22 ⏰

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