"just stay with me.." Chapter 6

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"Huh what did you say?" She asked me. Shit...did I say that out loud?

"Nothing..." I replied. She didn't take that as an answer.

"I know there's something on your mind..." She paused to move my hair out my face to further make eye contact.

"You can talk about it, it's no good to hide your emotions" She reassured.

"I know but I'm sure you're doing the very same thing." That slipped out..she looked noticably shocked by that reply. As she was about to say something, a familiar face bursts through the door.

"HEY I GOT THE FLO-" It was Mizuki.

"HOLY SHIT KNOCK BEFORE YOU BURST THROUGH LIKE THAT" An shouted, immedietly shielding my face as if we were under attack.

"Woah..did I barge in the wrong time?" They said while snickering.

"Yeah kind of..." An replied.

"I'll just leave this here...YOU'RE WELCOME BY THE WAY THAT CRAP WAS EXPENSIVE!!" Mizuki said as they placed the bag on An's nightstand, covering it with one of the blankets on the floor.

"Thank you but KNOCK NEXT TIME" An said as Mizuki slammed the door.

"Ughhh they never learn..." 

"What's in the bag?" I asked An.

"It's nothing, I just asked them for some decorations for a school project." She said as she grabbed her phone and began scrolling.

"Oh okay."

"Ah shit Akito has been spamming me..we were supposed to meet in sekai"

"Wait what I thought it was at 2?" I questioned.

"Kohane it's 4" She replied, looking the other direction.


"Ehe sorry, guess I was in the moment.." She said, looking down in guilt.

The moment? What could she mean by that? I didn't think she'd prioritize something like this over our practice..

"Well we should get going, seems I gotta deal with the carrot" An said, attempting to hold her laughter"

"New nickname this week?" 

"Listen Kohane, he said I looked as if a galaxy threw up on me!" An scoffed.

"Aha...the usual then"

"Mhmm..anyways we should get going." An then grabs my hand and presses play on untitled, which surrounds up in bright light and flashes us into sekai.

The first thing we see is an obviously upset Akito and a worn out Toya.

"Wow look who finally decided to show up." Akito said as he rolled his eyes.

"Akito you're acting like we have to show up everyday"

"It's not like that but don't text me saying you'll show up then just leave me on read"

Oh so it was Akito that she put on silent...so she knew that we were missing practice..?

"Sorry your majesty, I'll never do such a thing again" An said, stretching her words to make it obvious that she's being sarcastic.

"HMPT..." Akito said loudly to clearly express his disappointment.

"Hey what's up with Toya? He looks tired" An asked Akito.

"Oh yeah we sung quite a few songs the night before so he's still tired from that"

"Why are you not tired then?" 

"Few energy drinks did the trick" He said then followed it with a sigh.

"Uhm okay then...you should probably take him back because pretty sure he just fell asleep." An said. Akito and I look over to see Toya, now resting on the table outside the cafe.

"Ah damn okay, if you're gonna miss practice with your girlfriend, TEXT ME!"

"GIRLFRIEND??!" Before An could continue, Akito had already left sekai.


"I'm gonna give that man a taste of his own medicine, I'LL BE RIGHT BACK"

"A-AN-" She left sekai aswell..so it's just me standing here...alone...she seemed to have really gotten offended by the girlfriend comment...that's right...she does have her eyes on another..shit..

My vision starts to go blurry so I take a seat where Toya previously was, that feeling from earlier keeps returning everytime I think of that girl...who is she..what does she have that catches An's attention..she must be as stunning and angelic as An is, just as strong, bold, just everything that An is and wants...I'll never get her attention the way she does..

I feel a sharp pain in my chest which causes a coughing fit..eventually my already blurry vision turns to darkness..

[few hours later]

I wake up yet again to a bright light of the sekai sun, it burns my eyes so I turn to the right and nearly fall over..I'm on a hammock? I don't remember those being in sekai.. I carefully stand up from the hammock and look around my area to find that there's an array of buildings going left to right...am I back in the personal sekai?..An always told me whenever I have the option between left and right, always go left since right is wrong...I begin walking left, looking at my surroundings. The area is somewhat peaceful, the weather is quite calm, soft winds causing my hair to slightly fly out of position, the sekai is neither too hot ot too cold...it's just right...the buildings are a pinkish color with hints of blue scattered in certain areas..as I kept walking this direction, I noticed a song was being played in the distance, an insturmental of that song An and I wrote together...we never gave it a name. I sped up my pace and the music progressively became louder until I reached a small apartment..the door was open. I hesitated walking in, I looked where I had previously been walking at, I looked through the window and noticed a stack of papers..I walked into the apartment and was shocked by the mess of papers, numerous piles were on the ground and many journals were scattered around the enterance..surely I shouldn't be here but the song....

I carefully walk over the journals and kneel down to look at the papers, a lot of them were scratched out or torn, many others were crumbled...as I continued to look at the papers, I thought of what Miku had told me....this sekai of mine is based from my feelings and my feelings alone...what does this apartment have to do with my feelings..? I keep looking at the papers, they all seem to be incomplete love letters..many of them finish off with "yours truly," and a censored name along with a heart, similar to An's letter to her crush...what is this supposed to mean....how does this involve my feelings...why does this involve my feelings...

I decided to distance myself from the apartment..it was about time I left. I reached for my bag only to realize I didn't have it on me, meaning I don't have my phone either, shit. I try calling out to Miku and the others yet no reply..now I was really stuck in this sekai...nobody to text...nobody to call..nobody...I just sat down outside the apartment door, everything has been overwhelming me..all this weight..I can't take it...it hurts..how do I stop it..? I begin to tear up again...I can't control my frustrations anymore..my pain is unimaginable, I just want time to freeze...I don't want it to be Friday...I don't want to feel this pain in my chest anymore...I don't want these tears in my eyes...I just want....I just want her...An please...

"just stay with me.."

[Story Word Count: 1249]

The Love I First Denied [Anhane]Where stories live. Discover now