"My Partner, My Best Friend, My Lover" Final Chapter

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I could barely sleep, I've finally decided to accept this fate...dropping my feelings so An could be happy with her new lover, but it still hurts. I guess my heart still hasn't come to terms with it. I just silently stared into the ceiling, no words, just my own thoughts.

I do wonder why An would want to meet with me on this day... she's supposed to be with her lover.. I love being around An but this time it's gonna be so different.


I've received a message from An.


An: Hey Kohane! You ready?

Kohane: Oh yeah! I'll be out in a moment :)

An: Okay :D

[End of messages]

I quickly brush out my hair and walk out the door and see a formal An at my front door.

"Hey Kohane!" An says as she pulls me in for a hug.

"Hi An, you seem different today"

"Aha..I don't see what you mean" she replied, looking down but with an obvious grin.

"Ah forget it, you look beautiful today.."

"O-oh I do?" She asked, looking back up.

"Mhmm.." I wanted to continue but perhaps I shouldn't shower her with compliments now..it feels wrong knowing that it'll be somebody else saying that to her soon...

"Thank you Kohane, you also look beautiful" she says while looking down yet again.

She takes my hand and signaling me to walk by her side.

"So what are today's plans?" I ask An as we walk down our usual street.

I was gonna thinking about stopping by a friend's house real quick then we could stop by a park.

"A park? That's different from you"

"Not sure what you mean aha.. don't we practice at the park usually"

"Yeah just a park just to hang out..?"

"You'll see, you'll see my dear..."

D-dear? She didn't even take it back this time... isn't this cheating on her lover? Or maybe I'm overthinking this..uh-

"Okay we're here! Give me a moment Kohane." An said as she ran through the pathway of her friend's house.

I can't see much of the front door but I do hear a familiar voice..

"Do you have it ready?" An spoke.

"Of course I do An! You have my wishes for today."

"Ahh! You're a life saver Haruka!"

An came back but this time a backpack.

"What's the backpack for?"

"Oh uh nothing...just some..picnic stuff! yeah...picnic stuff." She said, barely maintaining her smile.


It sort of got silent as we continued walking..I guess she ran out of things to say..her mind is in another place after all.. I kept staring at her hand and something in me said to grab it but another part of me said stop... I mean..I might as well while I could.. I reached for her hand.

"Oh-" An said.

I assumed she felt uncomfortable but then she pulled my hand back and held it tighter than before.. I didn't say a word, I loved it so much. I loved her..

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