CHAPTER 2 - Tyler

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[ @fabulousllamapenguin did the drawing :) ]

" I think i love you,a little bit more everyday."

Tyler's pov


I don't usually wake up this early but today I had a weird feeling in my stomach, I think I'm getting sick (probably because this building is fucking rotten). I get up and go to the kitchen, it's not much of a big walk to do my apartment is very small but I don't need much I live alone with my cat, I ran away from home when I was 14 cause there was too much bullshit for me to handle, I used to live in Stroud with my parents, my sister and, the most important member of the family, my cat Cinnamon, he's a Russian blue with white paws yet he acts like he's a dog, I've always liked him for that 'cause his breed is known for being calm and not liking change yet he's the exact opposite he adapted so well to moving from a big house in the countryside to this shitty building full of crack heads and piss, he almost seems happier, because at least now he can be with me all the time walking around town. I don't like people very much and they don't seem to like me either, but at least i can say that cats fucking love me and I love them too. I took a pill for stomach ache, stop to look at mirror for a second, my hair is supposedly platinum blonde but it just looks like snow, it seems kind of cool with my dark green eyes, my appearance overall is really fucking weird but at least i look badass, the piercings on the lip and eyebrows also help out a lot 'cause without them i'd just look like Danny phantom(really i just look like Danny Phantom unless i put my red contact on) and it's kinda hard being an underground king looking like a cartoon after my diva moment i go to the roof top with Cinnamon I can see the whole town from there and it's way more beautiful at this time 'cause the sun hasn't come up yet but some people are already getting ready, so I can see the houses light up gradually.- It's amazing isn't it?- I say as I pet Cinnamon, he licks my hand as if to remind me of something, and he did, I had to call Rita because of that gang meeting she went to like an hour ago, gang leaders can't meet up so they send managers, Rita usually does this job pretty well all you have to do is not get killed and remember shit. Now i have to check if she remembers important shit.


-Hey there munter, what did you get from the meeting?

-Fuck you Tyler, why do these meetings have to be at 4AM my mom could've noticed i was gone!

-Yeah yeah, whatever what do you got?

- Hm...- She's nervous.

- I don't pay you to mumble.

- Ok, the Lerison's gang wants to meet up.

- Wait, are you serious? - She can't be serious

- Why would i lie?

- When do they wanna meet?

-... Right now... - she says in the most dramatic way

-Where the fuck are you, Rita?

-I'm at the our spot, they said they would come by in 15 minutes should i call the others?

-Yeah Yeah sure, lock up the lab, the offices and the guns room i don't want no one in there, tell them to meet you in the gym. I'll be right there.

- We could just meet in the lobby.

- I like to take care of our guests.

- Okay, hurry up.-Sure. -I said as I hung up, I rush back home with Cinnamon, put on ripped black jeans, white converse and a Sex Pistols sleeveless shirt, I look in the mirror and realize I look punk rock as fuck, still not as cool as Sid Vicious but it's warm in Bristol right now and I don't wanna wear a leather jacket, I put on a red contact on my left eye, say goodbye to Cinnamon and get in my shitty car, that i found on the streets one night and decided to fix. I drove straight to our spot A.K.A Barrow Gurney, an abandoned asylum that we decided to take over, we only use half of it 'cause no one else wanted to fix the rest of the building, our side looks kinda presentable almost as if it was only abandoned 8 months ago. Still, as everything in my life, very shitty.


Everyone was already there, looking tired and concerned; the Lerison's haven't arrived yet.

- Tyler what the fuck? I was sleeping! - Yelled Vance as if i just murdered his children.

-Yeah "sleeping", sure you weren't playing the flute, you wankstain ?- I responded.

- What are we even here for?!- asked Matilda

- A meeting.

- At fucking 6AM?- Yelled Shelley

- You all need to chill for a bit- I responded to everyone

-IM GETTING REAL FUCKING TIRED OF PEOPLE WAKING ME UP ALL THE DAMN TIME- yelled Rachel while sending Danny a death stare.

- What the hell kinda of meeting is this?? I didn't even have time to do my hair!! - ranted Danny as if responding to Rachel, although the question was direct to me

- It looks bad anyway - maybe I shouldn't have said that but all that yelling was starting to piss me off.

We all stayed quiet for a second, sitting in the living room and it was starting to become awkward

-So.. does anyone wanna hit a blunt?- said Rita trying to calm everyone

- We probably shouldn't smoke before a meeting- observed Trish

- You are all boring me, I'm going to my office, Rita call me when they get here.

I walked really fast to my office 'cause the building leaves me a bit uneasy in the middle of the night, i walked up the stairs, looking at the old and easily breakable wood beneath me as i opened the door i realized there was someone behind me.

- I know it's you Mary, you've been stalking me through the whole building.

- You noticed? Fuck, I was trying to scare you!- she said very disappointed.

- Nice try tho, you're good at that stalking thing, I'm just very good at noticing it.

-Don't be so full of yourself! I was just playing around if I actually wanted to stalk you i'd be like a ninja! You'd never notice me!

- Yeah yeah keep dreaming- I said as I petted her long caramel hair

- Tschh tosser.. - she was insulting me but she was blushing.

- You're cute.

-You're an idiot.

-As if.

- Ok you're cute too.

-Yeah, i know.

-Just open the damn door- and I did, went to my desk and opened the left drawer and took out a small blue wrapped box

- Here, I had a friend of mine do that for you, but I wrapped it- I said as I threw her the box that fell perfectly in her hands to my surprise, she would usually drop it.

-What is it?!

*TAN TAN TAN! So the second chapter has arrived! Hope you guys liked it :) and please vote and give me your feedback ;).*

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