the freshmans

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Kakyoin and Jotaro pull up into the school's parking lot, when Jotaro opens the car door, he sees two shorter girls staring at him. When they make eye contact they immediately blush and run away. Then Kakyoin sees that Jotaro is looking somewhere and says

"You okay Jotaro?"

"Yeah , just some new freshmans looking at me."


Kakyoin shrugged his shoulders and they started walking up the stairs together to enter the school. Five steps into the school, Jotaro gets jumped by a freshman with a gun.


Kakyoin yelled, Jotaro is incredibly concerned that a freshman has a GUN at school.


The freshman jumps on his back and starts choking him with their minigun, then Kakyoin in a hurried panic, jumps on the freshmen trying to get them off Jotaro, but in the process, tipped over and the trigger that the freshmen held was accidentally fired, and a TON of people got hit.

People start screaming and running around, then behind the bois🥵🥶walked up Erwin Smith, the principal, and Levi Ackerman, The Math/French teacher. They stand there in shock,

This really happened already.? It's the first day of school.

Erwin and Mr. Ackerman thought. Erwin then asked the two juniors pessimistically.

"..Who did this?"

Kakyoin and Jotaro said the Freshman with a minigun but when they looked around for them, the Freshman wasn't there anymore, they must've run. Erwin was very skeptical, and asked Levi to ask other students and they said that Jotaro had indeed been jumped, so Erwin left them with a warning.

Historia, the Nurse checked the people who were shot and discovered it was fake bullets and they were only knocked out. Although they need to find who did this.

Then Jotaro and Kakyoin silently walk🚶 to their first period art class that they share together. 😃

(We know this is really unrealistic, but like.)

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