Samy X Doria

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Samy heard downstairs to the crew lounge, already stressing out from her bad day. She was already losing it. It's like the stress was meant to come, like it was expected to. When Samy got to the crew lounge, she heard music playing. It was her girlfriend, Doria, dancing to her favorite K-pop song, Jopping by SuperM. Samy smiled as she watches Doria dance around the table, making her stress go away. Doria always knew how to make Samy feel better. Samy never felt alone when Doria was there. Samy walked over to her true love and kissed her cheek and surprised Doria. Doria jumped and when she looked behind her, she found Samy with a small smile across her face, which made Doria relieved. Both girls laughed a little. Doria's cheek began to turn red, and Samy only chuckled.

~Crew Lounge~

Samy - (laughs) You might wanna hide your face from me Dor.

Doria - (nervously) W-why?

Samy - (giggles) Because your blushing.

Doria's face became even redder, which made Samy laugh. Doria buried her face in Samy's chest, letting out a muffled squeal when Samy kissed her forehead. Samy only chuckled, until she felt dizzy. Doria became concerned when she felt Samy twitch a little.

Doria - (worried) Are you okay?

Samy - Yeah, why?

Doria - You look pale.

Samy - I just have been a little...

Samy's voice trailed off with her beginning to pant. Doria immediately let go of Samy and placed her hands against Samy's cheeks. Doria knew something was wrong.

Doria - (worried) A little what Samy?

Samy - (softly) A little...

Before she could finish, she closed her eyes, and started falling into Doria. Doria immediately catches her, crying, trying to shake her awake. Doria slowly put Samy on the couch and ran to get a cold towel for Samy's head. Doria bumped into the boys in the galley while running. They saw her freaking out and tried to calm her down.


Martin - Dor, calm down. What's wrong? Why are you crying?

Doria - (cries) Samy p-passed out! I think s-something is w-wrong with her!!

Elliot - (softly) Doria, it's okay. Where is she?

Doria - (sobs) I put her on the couch.

Will - We'll help you Dor. Me and Elliot will go upstairs and stay with Samy while you and Martin gather up the medical supplies okay?

Doria - (sniffs) Okay.

Elliot - Alright, let's go.

Will and Elliot went to go take care of Samy while Doria and Martin went to gather medical supplies for Samy. Elliot felt Samy's forehead and she seemed to be burning up. Will gave him the thermometer and it read 103.5°. Will went to go get a blanket for Samy while Doria and Martin came up with the medical supplies and Elliot helped them out. Doria checked Samy's heart rate and it was normal. The boys helped Doria give Samy a normal check-up.

~Crew Lounge~

Elliot - Matilda, run a diagnostics on Samy.

Matilda - Checking... Samy seems to be over heated, depressed and stressed.

Will - I mean it is kinda hot in here but depressed?

Martin - And stressed?

Doria - (sniffs) She has been working a lot lately.

Elliot - That could be her stress but we need to know why she's depressed.

Will - Yeah, we do.

Matilda lowered the temperature in the ship and the others spent the next few hours taking care of Samy. After finishing up, the boys left Doria alone with Samy so they could have some privacy. Doria sat next to Samy and grabbed her hand and squeezed it tight. Doria felt Samy fading away. She began to stroke the older girls soft hair gently and rubbed her thumb against the palm of her hand. Samy's never been that way before so Doria knew something was very wrong. Doria felt Samy shift a little. Doria froze, waiting for more movement. Samy began to try to open her eyes, though she was struggling. After a while, she blinked rapidly, and saw the young girl sitting there, and she only smiled.

Samy - (weakly) Hi my love.

Doria smiled and pulled Samy into a big hug. Samy chuckled and hugged her back, though she was still laying down, she didn't mind one bit. She had missed Doria already, even though she was only out for almost half an hour.

Doria - (sniffs) Are you okay?!

Samy - (weakly) Yeah. I'm fine now. Thank you love.

Doria - You're welcome Sam Sam.

Samy - Sam Sam?

Doria started blushing. Samy chuckled at the name. Did she just come up with that? Samy had to admit, it was cute.

Doria - (blushes) Yeah. It's a nickname I came up for you. Do you like it?

Samy - (chuckles) I love it.

Doria (giggles) I'm glad.

Doria remembered what Matilda said about Samy's condition earlier and asked her about her bad condition.

Doria - Samy... can you tell me about your condition?

Samy - (confused) What condition?

Doria - Matilda says your depressed and stressed. I understand the stressed part, but why are you depressed?

Samy - (sighs) Because my mom Molly is in the hospital. She had a heart attack last week.

Doria - (hugs) Samy... I'm so sorry.

Samy - (hugs back) It's okay. I just fear sometimes that she'll fade away at any moment.

Doria - Hey! Don't think that. That's not going to happen.

Samy - I hope your right.

Doria - Everything will be okay Samy.

Samy smiled brightly at her girlfriend and nodded. Doria pulled Samy in for a kiss, and Samy responded. They both kissed for while until they pulled away, where Doria was met with Samy's red cheeks. Doria giggled.

Doria - (giggles) And look who's blushing now.

Samy - (laughs) Shut up.

Doria - I love you so much Sam Sam.

Samy - I love you more Dor.

Author's Note,

Hey again! I decided to post two parts today. This one and the previous one! I hope you enjoy them. Again, sorry if their cringey. Enjoy! Your author, ChaesooJenlisaRJJL 💖

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