~Blood And Bruises~

761 17 11

TW: Fighting

Y/n's POV

I woke up to the terrible and loud sound of my alarm clock going off. I stretched out my arm and hit the clock until it turned off, I then got out of bed and looked in my floor length mirror. "I look like I got hit by a bus, got hit by a dump truck, then another bus.." I groggily said to myself while observing my messy hair and wrinkled pajamas.

I wiped the sleep from my eyes before walking to the bathroom and starting the shower. I walked back to my room and grabbed my clothes from my closet and some undergarments (if you wear any/a bra). Once back in the bathroom, I felt the water to see if it was warm. Which it was, I then closed the bathroom door and locked it before putting my clothes on the counter and undressing to get into the shower.

~After taking a shower and getting dressed~

I kept fixing my hair in the mirror before my brother banged on the door, "Hurry up dork!! I need to take a shower too!" He yelled. "Shut up, Miles, looking this good takes time!" I yell back before hearing my other brother, Salem, walk by the door and say, "Okay girls, both of you are pretty. Can we hurry up now?" I finish fixed my hair and put the baseball cap my friend, Bruce Yamada, gave me.

I unlocked the door and opened it to see my two older brothers standing there, Miles looking frustrated where as Salem looked prideful while wearing a smirk. Salem looked at me and smiled when he saw me, "Hey kid, love your shirt." I looked down and realized it was his shirt.

The shirt:

I knew it was too big

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I knew it was too big.. I guess mom just mixed the laundry again. "Thanks, it's pretty cool right?" I asked while smirking and fixing my cap. Miles hurries into the bathroom and runs to his room to grab clothes, hurriedly running back to the bathroom and shutting the door.

I walk to my room with Salem behind me to grab my shoes, I open my door and walk to my closet before grabbing my black converse and a pair of white combat boots with black laces. "Which ones?" I ask while and hold up both pairs of shoes for Salem to see, "The converse, it goes better with the outfit." He replied before walking to his room to get his bookbag. I put my shoes on and grab my bag, slinging it over one shoulder and walking downstairs to eat a quick breakfast.

I make me and Salem a few pieces of toast and a bowl with a few strawberries for Miles. I hear the shower turn off from upstairs and Miles walk to his room to get dressed, mean while, Salem comes downstairs and immediately walk to the table and grab his plate of toast. "Thanks kid, I'll make breakfast tomorrow. K?" He stated. "Mhm, got it." I replied. Miles then comes downstairs with his bag and grabs the bowl of strawberries, "Aww, you even cut them for me. Thanks Y/n/n" Miles said while smiling and eating a few strawberries.

I smiled and finished eating my toast, "Remember, today is your dish day Salem." I say while washing my hands to get the sticky jelly off. Salem nods his head and looks at the clock. "SHIT. We're gonna be late!! Hurry up and get to the car!!" Miles hurries up eating the strawberries and throws the bowl in the sink. I quickly run to the door and open it, "Go, go, go!!" I yell, watching Salem and Miles scramble out the door and to the car. I close the door and lock it before running and hopping in the passenger seat.

Well, this is technically Salem's car since he got it when he was 15, but he just says it's his and Miles' car. Even though Miles failed his drivers test, twice. Salem even said whenever I'm able to drive I can get the car, it's a 1965 Volkswagen Beetle.

I hear Salem start up the car and start driving, going a bit fast. But hey, I'd speed too if I was gonna be late. I look out the window at passing houses and trees, I roll down the window, take off my cap, and stick my head out. The wind feels nice blowing throw my hair, I look at all the kids who are walking while speeding by. I even see my friends Finney and Gwen, I wave to them while passing by and see them wave back.

~Skip to when you get dropped off~

I smiled as Miles ruffled my hair from the back window, "See you later dork. and if anyone messes with you, tell me or Salem and we'll handle it." I playfully rolled my eyes, "Love you guys!" I yelled, "We love you too!!" They yelled back before speeding off to the high school. I chuckle before turning around and seeing a large crowd of people. I walk into the crowd and scoot towards the front, once I get there I see my best friends, Vance Hopper and Robin Arellano, fighting Moose and three of his friends.

They are covered in Blood and Bruises.

Wonder what they're fighting about. I see Vance throw a punch one if the other kids and break his nose. "Oooooooo..." I heard the crowd say all at once. I smiled while Vance and Robin kicked their asses, Vance only had a black eye and a few bruises. Where as Robin had a bloody nose, a black eye, busted lip, AND bleeding knuckles. 'Seems like Robin got jumped and Vance came to help.' I think to myself while cringing when Robin round houses Moose in the face. Robin got on top of him and nodded at Vance, Vance kicked both of the other guys in the balls and Robin repeatedly punched Moose in the face.

Suddenly, the heels clacking on the ground alerted the crowd to scatter. I ran up to Robin and Vance before quickly dragging them in the crowd, into the school building, and to the bathrooms (unisex bathrooms). "What in the living fuck were you two thinking?! You could've gotten suspended, or worse, EXPELLED!!" I shouted at the pair, Robin smiled innocently while Vance leaned on the wall and smirked. "Why do you care? Not like it would've effected you." Vance remarked in a snarky tone. "Shut the hell up, V. Get your ass over here." I said in a frustrated tone. Vance walked over to me and leaned down so I could reach his face, "Damn.. And a busted lip? I didn't notice that earlier." I whispered to myself. I then got some hydrogen peroxide on a paper towel and put it on Vance's lip, "Hold that right there."

I then gestured to Robin to come here, which he did. I then put both his hands over the sink and poured peroxide on his knuckles, I watched the clear liquid become bright white bubbles almost instantly. I look at Robin's busted lip and bloody nose, "Damn Robin, looks like they whooped your ass." I laugh lightly and grab a paper towel, wet it a bit, and gently wipe the blood from his nose. I can feel Robin looking at me but choose to ignore it. Big mistake in the future. Anyways, I then wiped the blood from his lip as well before looking back at his hands. I rinse them off, wrap them in a bit of gauze, then wrap it in tape to keep it in place. "Robin, you can finish yourself up. Vance, you can take the paper towel off your lip now, I'm going to class before I'm late." I say but Robin steps in front of me, "But you said me and Vance could walk you today." He said..

"I did?" I tried remembering the day prior, "Yeah, you probably forgot because of how tired you were." I nod my head before clapping my hands, "well hurry up or I'll walk by myself!" I say standing by the bathroom door. Both of them scramble towards me and I open the door for them.

Today should be fun.

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