Chapter 2: Mother

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"M-Mother Miranda?!" Irene whispered sharply and got up to look around for the witch. Her face showed absolute fear this time, breathing becoming more shallow as the panic set in. "W-Where are you...? What d-do you want with me...?"

The laugh continued but of course no where to be seen at all. The only one in the room was Irene and she saw no one else. Was it all in her head or did she really hear Mother Miranda speak to her. "Hehehe. Mother always watches over what is hers. Isn't that right, my love. I wanted to give you some time but now is just as good as any. Did you really think you'd get rid of me that easily? No no. You have no idea the power over you that I have. More power than your precious Alcina ever did.~"

Irene put her hands over her ears, sitting down on the bed as she tried to drown out Miranda's voice that spoke. With her eyes closed shut and laying on the bed, Irene did her best to not let her words make her angry. "Shut up you evil witch! You don't own me anymore! I'm out of the way just like you wanted me to be."

The laughter continued and echoed in Irene's mind, until it became an echo no more. At that moment she sat up and had enough, Irene saw the figure of Mother Miranda sitting there. She tried to move away but Miranda grabbed Irene in a hold, back facing her as the red head tried to struggle away. "Now now, my love. Don't run. You wouldn't want them to hear you struggling would you?"

Of course not. After that conversation she and Chris had. Irene wanted to make this work out. She wanted them to not see her as a freak or weirdo. Soon she stopped moving and Miranda took her left hand in hers, kissing at the bite marks on her wrist gently. Irene tried to ignore what the woman was doing to her and fought against the feeling of euphoria that filled her body. "W-What want, Miranda...? I thought I was done with you when I left the village."

"Not entirely, my sweet girl. I still have something you could do for me. But it seems that you really miss your mistress. Perhaps I can fill that void.~" Miranda laughed again and held Irene's face gently in her hand, kissing down on her neck this time. That feeling of euphoria returned and Irene couldn't help but whimper and moan out. "Good girl. You behave so well. I should have made you mine the first chance I got."

"You won't ever get me. She always had my heart. You can't fill that."

"Oh can't I? I've been fair to you, Irene. I've given you want you wanted so you could be with that monster of a woman Alcina. I made you just like her so you could have the life you wanted. And still say I can't fill that void? Oh princess you're wrong. So very wrong.~" Miranda's fingers stroked Irene's lips gently, chuckling in her ear and coddling the girl. She would have Irene as hers and no one else would take her this time. The red head couldn't control the euphoria she felt in her body, leaning into the woman for comfort. She couldn't let Miranda win again. Not after just getting away.

"Just leave me alone. I left the village like you wanted...I don't have Alcina anymore...what more could you want?" Tears filled her eyes and streamed down her cheeks, Miranda catching and wiping them away.

"I'm glad you asked, my love. I never wanted you to leave. No. Just long enough for you to get away. You would have been in danger and hurt. Mother can't let her little one get in harms way. I may have a proposal for you. A gift." This caught Irene's attention, sitting up and facing Miranda with a stained face. What would this mean for her and what more could Miranda take away from Irene? She got up, away from the woman and paced about the room. Chris would think she was crazy for talking to herself. That's what Miranda was trying to get at. What was the gift she had?

"Chris said I'll be fine. Everything will be alright." Irene muttered to herself and ignored Miranda, who watched her with a smirk.

"Oh my little naive toy, wouldn't someone who wanted you to do something tell you that. Isn't that how you got in this situation in the first place?" Miranda laughed again and shook her head, knowing how to get under Irene's nerves. "So pretty yet so dumb. No wonder it was easy to manipulate you into coming to me."

She turned around and Miranda had disappeared from the bed. Irene walked over until she felt an arm wrap around her again, more laughing in her ears. "You truly are so easy to trick. I can see why Alcina was able to get you to turn. You're beautiful but you are so clueless."

She hated how this woman could easily manipulate her feelings, her movements. All Irene wanted to do was scream and tear her apart. How could she? Miranda was just in her mind. Wasn't she? Miranda smirked at the girl's silence, pressing her lips to Irene's ear again. "What is it you want?"

"Well little one. You are in a predicament and I want to help. I also want you to do something for me to help you get out of this said predicament." Her grip got tighter around Irene's waist, chuckling softly before digging the golden claws that wrapped her fingers into her skin under the scrubs Irene wore. "So behave little pet or you just might meet your end sooner than you'll need to. You wouldn't want to upset mother now would you?"

"No mother I wouldn't!" She shouted out and then covered her mouth with one hand while struggling to get away. "That...that's not what I meant to say...I mean I...I..."

Before Irene knew it Miranda had her pinned to the bed on her back and held her arms tightly, gripping her face. She laughed and smiled wickedly, fingers tightening to make Irene stay still. "Was it? You are being so obedient. That's how good girls refer to their mothers, my pet. Now. I need you to listen carefully to me. If you want to get out of here you'll need to do as I say. Right now is too risky. They don't trust you. So get better and be good. Then when it is time we will plan a way for your escape. Mother will take care of you."

Irene stopped struggling and looked up at Miranda with hopeful eyes. Could she really get her out of this place? But Chris meant no harm toward her. Did he? Her fingers lightened up off her pale cheeks, gently stroking Irene's skin before pressing into her with firmness. The red head whimpered and whined, wanting away from this woman who tortured her so. Miranda enjoyed her noises and movements.

"Why should I do what you say?!" Irene fought back and Miranda's expression slowly went from that of pleasure to serious, "Don't you want to be mommy's good toy? You better or you won't like the consequences...For now I'll leave you to rest. I'll be back for you my pet. Don't worry I will. And when I do it will be to plan out what I need you to do."

With that Irene woke up in her bed, sweat dripping from her forehead. Was it all a dream? Or was Miranda really back within the mutamycete in Irene? She recollected all that Miranda said and took a few deep breaths. There would be no way Chris would believe her that Miranda was still around. For now she would need to try to rest more before Chris came back to do a second round of examinations. Irene laid back on the bed and had a fear of shutting her eyes, slowly drifting off to a deep sleep.

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