Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

        Friday morning was a rush. For some reason my alarm clock didn’t go off, so I ended up waking up fifteen minutes later then I was used too. That meant I only had half an hour to get ready for school. How on Earth was I going to be able to tame my curls in that amount of time? I let out an annoyed grunt and quickly threw off my covers.

          Just as I opened up my bathroom door, a cool breeze brushed against the skin on the back of my neck. I promptly swung around to see my bedroom window cracked open. My eyes narrowed in confusion. I hadn’t opened that up the night before.

          My body tensed as I waited for something to hop through my window and scare me senseless, but nothing did. I was pretty much standing in my bedroom, staring at nothing like a moron. 

          I then finally got the courage to walk up to my window and peek out of it. A slight glimpse of blue caught my attention in the tree line, making me jump back. When I bent back down to take a second look, the blue had completely vanished. It almost looked like a pair of eyes. Was I being watched?  I quickly shut my window and hurried into the restroom. I had to be seeing things. Why would someone want to creep on me? I wasn’t that pretty!

          Doing my best to ignore what had just happened, I pulled my hair up into a ponytail. There was no other way I was going to get a handle of my insane locks. To bad I had already worn my hair in that style once that week. It was unusual for me to have the same manner more then once in a week. Oh well, it was just hair.

          As soon as my feet hit the wooden floor on the ground level of my house, Miles called out to me.

          I rolled my eyes and walked to the kitchen. He was never going to learn. It’s like he hadn’t even noticed that for the last two days, I hadn’t said a single word to him or Shara. Did he not know that I was trying to tell the both of them something?

          “Your mother and I need to talk to you after school today. So don’t diddle dawdle, we want to take you out afterwards,” he said peeling an orange.

          I let out a small laugh. Why were they taking me out? I was grounded and I wasn’t exactly nice to them the past week.

          “What’s so funny?” he asked me.

          For the first time in two days, I decided to say something, but it was more on my behalf then his. I was curious in how doing something nice to me was going to help. “Aren’t I grounded?”

          “Yes, but like I said, we need to talk. It’s important,” he stated, not even amazed that I had spoken.

          “I swear, if you’re just going to tell me that we are going to move again, I might have to…”

          “No, Kiera. It’s something else and I think you’ll like it.”

          I crossed my arms over my chest. There was nothing they could do for me that would please me anymore. They had really messed it up for themselves. Once they earned my respect again and then apologized, maybe things would be different.

          “What is it?” I wondered, turning away from him to get my daily morning apple.

          “You’ll find out when we get there,” he grinned.

          An annoyed groan escaped my lips before I could stop it. Dang it, I didn’t want him to know he was aggravating me.

          “But, I already promised my friends I would hang out with them tonight.” It had to have been the worse excuse I could have come up with on short notice, but I hated being put under pressure. I mean it wasn’t a lie, I had made plans for that night, but I wasn’t planning on telling my dad that. It sort of just slipped out.

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