Chapter Thirteen

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~Chapter Thirteen~

As we pulled into the driveway, the sun began to hide behind the trees. The sunset was one of the prettiest I had seen lately. Red, pinks and purples all made themselves known, and if it wasn't for my concern for my mate, I could have stood there staring at it for hours.

"If only it was like that every day," Macie sighed beside me.

"Yeah, I know," I chuckled, turning around to head out back. Layne still had his barrier up, and I couldn't get into his mind. The boy was driving me crazy.

The four of us walked around back together, about to get ready to shift. Toby had insisted that I stay out of it like Layne had suggested, but I refused to listen. If one of those disgusting rogues layed a filthy paw on my mate, they were going to have it. No one touched my mate and got away with it.

I was just about ready to take off into the woods, when the sound of leaves rustling had my ears perking. Layne must have been on his way back, thank goodness.

When he came into sight, my eyes widened at what he was dragging along with him. His jaw was latched around a young she-wolfs neck, and he was pulling her through the woods like she way nothing. The poor thing was whimpering in fright, and struggling against his grip, but he only clenched his jaw tighter, making her let out a shriek.

"What are you doing here?" Layne asked through our link as soon as he caught sight of me. "I told you I didn't want you here! It's dangerous."

I narrowed my eyes at him in disgust; the girl didn't look like she could hurt a fly in the shape she was in. By the looks of it, she had had one hell of a day. "Do you really believe that?" I grumbled, eyeing the light grey wolf in his possession.

"You never know what the rogue is capable of. Appearance means nothing; she is probably acting the whole thing out!" Layne seemed slightly annoyed by me, but he didn't let it show on his face. He instead kept a look of pure fury so the wolf he held wouldn't know about our mental conversation.

Layne dragged her past Macie and I, and then practically threw her into the backyard, snarling at her the whole time.

I watched as the she-wolf rolled a couple of times until she finally stopped. She layed on her back, and stared up at the sky like she could do nothing about the situation she was in. Unfortunately for her, with Layne involved there really was nothing she could do. She had no idea what she had got herself into crossing paths with my mate, he hated rogues just as much as he hated Ken.

Layne quickly shifted behind me, and pulled on a pair of jeans. He threw his t-shirt at me, which I swiftly snatched up, but before I went behind a tree to change back, I watched as Layne walked over to the rogue. She flinched when he approached her, and squeezed shut her eyes. Maybe, she did know what she had gotten herself into and was just accepting the fact that she had no way out of this.

My mate kicked her side with way to much force, sending her sprawling back into the wooden deck. "Shift!" he ordered her.

She stood up; her legs shaking with her weight, and shook out her fur. She bowed her head slightly, and trained her blue eyes on my mate as if she was trying to tell him something. Being a girl, I automatically understood the problem.

I snuck behind a tree, and pulled on the black shirt as fast as I could. When I was finished, I stepped out of the tree line, and moved toward my mate. "Layne," I whispered, placing my hand on his shoulder.

"What?" he snapped, facing me. His eyes were still black in anger, but they seemed to lighten up a bit as he stared at me.

"She doesn't have any cloths..." I explained to him.

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