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I woke up in Matt's bed his hand around me. I got up and made breakfast for me and he my mom was at work she's on a business trip. Mat walked down I got the plants out and we eat in silence. I won't to tell Matt what happened but I'm to scared to.
"Matt what are we doing today"
"Well I was going out with Zoe tonight sorry sissy" he sounded like he was sorry.
"It's okay I'll just hang"
"Okay" Matt said as he got up and went to his bed room. I ran to my room and called Zoe.
A-hey Zoe
Z- hey bitch what have u been up to
A-nothing much I have to tell u something and u can tell no one not even Matt
Z-okay what happened
A- so when I went to sky's to babysit her Nash tried to have sex with me but his mom got home before he could
Z-omg are u okay do u want me to cancel with Matt
A-I'm going to see if Taylor wants to hang out together
Z-okay if u say so and Matt told me about u liking Taylor awww
A- shut up Zoe I have to go bye boo
Z-bye bitch
I got off the phone and texted Taylor.
A-hey Tay (Taylor's nickname)
T- hey
A-are u busy today
T-no not at all
A-good could u come to my house and hang out with me bc Zoe and Matt are going on a date
T-ya what time
A-7:30 bc I will have time to get dressed and Matt will be gone by that time
T-oh okay see ya in a little bit
A- bye Tay
It was already 6:40 so I need to get dressed. I walked to the shower and hopped in and got out I dried my hair and body off and I let my hair dry by it self. I picked out a black leggings, a black tank top, I put a boohoo Mia ying yang print asymmetric vest over the tank top, and some black combat boots. by the time I was done Matt left and Taylor should be over in a little bit I went down stairs and got sone snacks out for me and Tay. There was a knock at the door I ran and got it I made sure I looked okay and opened the door there stood hot Taylor. taylor put his hand in face taking me out of my thoughts.
"Are u okay" Taylor said in a question way.
"Ya just thinking that's all"
"Oh okay cause I heard u say hot Taylor u think I'm hot.
"U heard that" I start blushing like crazy.
"Ya I heard u"
I stepped aside so he Tay could come in we eat then we want to the couch and watch finding Nemo.
" Allshya I know this is a weird question but I was wondering if I would cuddle with me while we watched the move"
"Umm ya sure"
I moved by him my face snuggled in his chest he moved his arm around me it was awesome I wish he would ask me out. We watched the rest of the movie and i went to turn around I guess Taylor thought I was asleep and he was going to kiss my cheek but he missed and are lips touch it was amazing I didn't want it to stop it was like fireworks going off in my head again and again. Taylor moved his hands down my waist and pushed me against his body it felt so good. Before we could go farther Nash was here and he pushed Taylor off of me.
"What are u doing here" I talked at Nash
" I was going to take u on a date u stupid bitch" Nash yelled at me and pushed me to the ground.
" Leave her alone" Taylor yelled he pushed Nash off of me. Nash threw a punch at Taylor but he missed and Taylor punched hem. Nash got on top of Taylor and punched hem I saw blood on his lip and noise.
" Leave hem alone" I started crying and ran to Taylor I pushed Nash off and hugged Taylor.
" Nash leave hem alone and leave me alone I'm done with u thinking u can pick on me"
" U know what bitch your such a slut made u should start cutting and go deep"
Nash pushed me and pushed me in the face and stomach I couldn't breathe at all. I heard the door open and Matt and Zoe where here Matt kicked Nash out and made sure he had a bloody nose. I got up and got to Taylor I sat by hem and made sure he was okay I kissed he I didn't care what My brother thought. I pulled away and Matt got Taylor in my bed he slept in my bed I started crying again I was scared. Zoe hugged me and told me that everything is going to be okay I went to Matt and hugged hem.
"I'm sorryyyy" I finally got out.
"For what" he asked
"For not telling u about Nash and what happened and kissing Taylor" I said still crying
"We will take later about that and about what happened but u need to rest okay" Matt said giving me a hug and kiss and I hugged Zoe and ran to my room I saw Taylor still awake. I got in the bed and kissed Taylor's check and curled up close to him I new I was safe with Taylor and I went to sleep.

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