(Chapter 3) More Trouble

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TW: Mild Language, Harassment, Abuse Parent Yelling


Doi thought to himself it couldn't be, he thought he was going to be safe and have a chicken picnic but here he is tied up to a little chair and tape over his mouth and waiting for Harry or robin to check up on him, hopefully.

He also thought he was going to get killed and thought it was the end

Meanwhile In the kitchen,
Harry was almost done with the cooking and wanted to see if Robin was done so he went downstairs to see Robin hanging clothes on the high rack with a step stool.
Harry came up behind Robin trying to scare him so he went behind him and tickle his hips and Robin made a squeak and was about to fall, but before falling Harry caught him in a bridal way

Harry: Good afternoon dear

Robin: What the fuck Red, you know I can't reach up here like you can to hang up these shirts, and guess what you left money in your shirt pocket. You better thank me I seen that before I washed it.

Harry: Okay I'm sorry babe and huh I wonder we're that went thank you dear. I was just about to tell you the chicken picnic is about done so did you want me to finish hanging these up while you go and get Doi?

Robin couldn't stay mad at Harry forever so he nodded his head and went upstairs to check on Doi, passing the kitchen gazing at the food while heading upstairs

Harry: Also you better not take a quick bite at the food I can tell ya know!

Robin: What who said I did that? I didn't touch it

Harry: ROBIN, ahhh you are lucky I love you dammit

Robin: love you too

Robin then went upstairs to check doi and heard muffling and then open the door and seen Doi strapped to a chair with tape over his mouth crying

Robin: WHAT THE FUCK Who did this to you?

Doi made an eye signal eyeing the closet and Robin was slightly confused then heard a tapping noise


Doi kicked Robin's leg in telling him to let him unloose

Robin: Ahh yeah let's untie you first. And then duck whispers to doi as he's untying him

(Robin: Go tell Harry to get up here, he's downstairs in the laundry room)

Doi sneaks out of the room and goes downstairs and grabs a snack that's supposed to be for the picnic but he knew Robin and Harry wouldn't mind in a time like this. Doi then goes downstairs and finds Harry on his phone because he's done with folding clothes just wanted to stay in the basement because it's nice and cold until he sees Doi come down

Harry: oh hello Doi you alright

Doi: Y-yeahh

Harry sees him feeling a little sad

Doi: No I'm not okay he's after me

Harry: Who is, we'res Robin

Doi: Roy! He's after me and now Robin is upstairs in that room with him

Harry: Shit okay uhh
do you want a little ride back upstairs quickly.

Doi nods and gets on the back of Harry and they go upstairs and Robin has cuts and blood all over him

Harry drops Doi softly on the ground and Gets very pissed off at the sight of his boyfriend on the floor

Harry: OH SHIT
he says while getting on his knees and making sure Robin is still breathing

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