What a Knockout

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(Stacy's p.o.v picture above is her car!)
I managed to lie to everyone including Ironhide and Oppi which was harder than the rest because of the bonds we have with each other.

Yes Ironhide and I are officially sparkmates and for the first time in a long, long time I am happy. Though blocking the two of them took twice the work, but it'll be worth it because I can't take it anymore! I need to race before I explode. So I told everyone I was going to visit Dom and the rest of the gang. Not a lie but also not the whole truth. I'm sixteen years old married and I'm still watched like a hawk by everyone on base. Especially by Galloway. Oh how I hate him. He is one of few people I wish I could run over with my car.

I pulled up to the street the race was being held and everyone was starring at me. I've been out of the circuit for four months so everyone probably thought I had stopped or was dead.

I parked off to the side in my lovely custom car I built and parked beside Dominic. I turn off my car and get out sitting on the hood. Wearing a blue tank top that showed off my Autobot insignia a brown pair of pointed towed boots and pair of jeans. I looked around from my small perch and checked out my "competition". There were a lot of familiar faces and cars around tonight. So no new racers, no easy money. I sighed disappointedly.

"Don't sigh just yet baby girl." I looked over at my foster father with question in my eyes. "There's been this new guy around the circuit recently drives a European sports car who's been blowing his competition out of the water. He bets big and wins bigger."

"So they need us to knock the high roller down a few pegs?" I asked and Dom nodded. "Alright then let's get this show on the road shall we? 2000 dollars any takers?" I called out to get everyone's attention and they all looked around. Then someone spoke up.

"I'll take you and your whole team on." A strange male voice called out. He had red hair with a bit of white and was about 21 years old. He was 6'2" at the most and wore a white muscle shirt under his red leather jacket with a pair of blue jeans and Jordan basketball shoes. This guy screamed rich and I know it.

(Knockouts p.o.v.)

I couldn't believe my luck! Optimus Prime's daughter was here and she's here to race. An evil smirk crossed my lips as I started to formulate a plan of attack while climbing into my altmode.

Lord Megatron will be very pleased if I bring back the Autobot leaders daughter back to the Nemesis. She could be of great use to our cause and help bring down those accursed Autobots once and for all.

(Stacy's p.o.v.)

I just couldn't shake this feeling that something was up with that guy. He made me feel uneasy. I clenched my steering wheel with my hands as we pulled up to the starting line. Dom, Brian and I then the new guy. We revved our engines as we waited for the bandana to fall to the ground and when it hit the four of us sped off.

It was a close race between me and the arrogant ass that we were racing but in the end I came out on top with a nitrous boost towards the end of the race. Dominic and Brian tied for second and then the asshole finished last and he looked pissed and just drove off. While I collected my winnings.

It was around four in the morning when I started back for base and the roads were quite... Too quite. I became uneasy and unblocked Ironhide and Oppi and contacted them through our bonds.

~Hey I'm headed back to base.~
In response I received a groggy grunt from Ironhide which made me laugh, and a soft snore from Oppi. I smiles softly knowing the two men I care about most are safe and sound at base.

I was driving through an intersection when I heard the sound of squealing wheels from both my right and left side and then the full force of being hit by two speeding cars. My head was throbbing and bleeding my left side was killing me and left leg was shattered. The last thing I remember before my world went black was the amount of worry and panic that came from Ironhide and Oppi through our bond and then nothing.

(IronHides p.o.v.)

I felt intense pain in my helm, left side and left leg which brought me quickly out of my peaceful recharge. I knew the pain wasn't my own so that left only one thing.

I rushed out of Stacy's and mine room in my Bi-pedal form and to the main hanger where Optimus already was pacing. "Please Primus please tell me you aren't out here because you felt pain through your father, daughter bond".

Optimus looked at me with sad optics that were laced with pain as well. Before he nodded confirming my fears.

"Wake everyone! We must find her she is hurt and possibly dying. We must act now Prime!" I shouted at him before he seemed to snap out of his depressed state and nod calling everyone and sending us all out in teams of two to search for Stacy. I just pray to Primus we find her in time...

Hello my lovely readers I'm sorry for the log wait! I had a bit of writers block. Also I do know own knockout! Alright a to Transformers prime belong to Hasbro.

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