Chapter 9

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The Next Day

At Oswald's Nightclub

Sebastian enters the club to see his brother until he hears his mom's voice. "Never, never would he play with other children. He knew even then he was too good for them." Mrs. Cobblepot said as Sebastian walks into the main room to see Oswald and Don Maroni. "And now he is a respectable man of Oswald." Mrs. Cobblepot said to Don as Oswald sees Sebastian. "Well, this has been a delight. But I think you need to leave." Oswald said to Don while Sebastian sits down with them. "One thing...Gertrud, my love." Don said making Mrs. Cobblepot look at him. "A question that's been bothering me." Don said to her. "Oh, no. Oh, no." Mrs. Cobblepot said while touching Don's cheek. "Is this an act?" Don asks her making Mrs. Cobblepot chuckle. "Are you pretending that he's just a nightclub owner? Or are you really that stupid?" Don asks her. "Stop!" Oswald yelled making Sebastian turn to him. "I don't understand." Mrs. Cobblepot said to him. "Your sons..." Don said making Sebastian look at Don. "Don Maroni, I am warning you!" Oswald yelled at him in a warning voice. "Are coldblooded psychopaths." Don said to her making Sebastian look at his mom. "No, no, no." Mrs. Cobblepot said and Sebastian can see the horror in her eyes. "I can't count how many men Oswald has killed. My own friend, Frankie Carbone, he stabbed him a dozen times. What kind of person plunges a knife into someone over and over?" Don said to her then he looks at Sebastian. "And Sebastian, who knows how many people he has killed? I find out that he kills mothers, fathers, and their kids." Don said to her while Sebastian glares at him. "He's a filthy liar, Mother!" Oswald yelled then Don Maroni takes Gertrud's face in his hands. "You know, don't you? I can see it." Don said to her making Oswald grab onto Don's arm. "Let go of her!" Oswald yelled at him. "Did you catch Oswald one night washing blood from his hands? Or did you have a dream of Sebastian killing you in your sleep? When did you realize that you had given birth to monsters?" Don asks her making Mrs. Cobblepot fall into Oswald's arms. "You're going to pay for this." Oswald said to him. "Maybe. Or maybe this ends with me dumping your lifeless body into the river. Either way, you and Mama Gertrude can stop pretending." Don said to them and he pays his bill. "The place is looking good." Don said to them while looking around before leaving the building. "Why didn't you help?" Oswald asks Sebastian who looks at him. "I thought it was time for her to see the real us." Sebastian said to him as he stands up and he walks over to his mom. "She thinks you are Mr. Perfect while I am not." Sebastian said to him while he takes out a knife. "Sebastian." Oswald warns him after seeing the knife. "Fun fact, mom." Sebastian said to her then he grabs his mother's face. "SEBASTIAN!" Oswald yelled making Sebastian look at Oswald and then look back at his mom. "She is living in a dream world." Sebastian said to him while he places the knife on his mom's cheek. "It's time to wake up and smell the coffee. He's right, I have killed families without feeling anything while they beg for their lives." Sebastian said to his mom not caring what she thinks about him after this. "Parents even ask me to kill them and let their kids go but in the end, I kill them all without having a second thought." Sebastian said to her while Oswald can see the crazy in his brother's eyes. "I think you need to leave." Oswald said to him making Sebastian look at him while moving his knife's blade down his mom's cheek giving her a cut. "Fine." Sebastian said to him as he pulls his knife away from his mom. "I said my part." Sebastian said to him and he walks away from the table. "SEBASTIAN!" Mrs. Cobblepot calls for her son but Sebastian leaves without turning back.

Later, Sebastian was sitting in his car playing with his knife while listening to music. Sebastian hears his car door open making him turn to see Barbara in his car now. "What do you want?" Sebastian asks her while pointing his knife at her. "I need your help." Barbara said to her making Sebastian lower his knife. "I'm listening." Sebastian said to her. "My world is crumbling around me because I loved Jim Gordon, who was too stupid to confide in me and too busy to comfort and protect me. He put everyone and everything else in Gotham before the woman he was supposed to love." Barbara said to him making Sebastian look out the window. "And why do you think I would care about this?" Sebastian asks her. "I have been kidnapped." Barbara said to him making Sebastian look at her. "I have been tortured, raped, and forced to choose to kill my own parents by a serial killer. Jim Gordon just tossed me aside like an unwanted toy when he decided he didn't have the time to deal with me and go to Lee Thompkins." Barbara said to him then she takes ahold of Sebastian's hand making him jump. "Please, help me." Barbara said to him making Sebastian pull away from her and thinks about it. "Do you have a plan?" Sebastian asks her making Barbara smile at him. "I do and all I am asking is to take one of your knives and if you can join me." Barbara said to him. "You want to kill Lee with style." Sebastian said to her as he hands her a red knife. "And with the joining you apart, I don't know about that." Sebastian said to her while looking away from her. "I don't think I will be joining you." Sebastian said to her. "What would you do if your lover was taking from you?" Barbara asks him making Sebastian look at her. "I don't know, I ever had a lover as you call it." Sebastian said to her then he looks away from her. "Thanks for your help." Barbara said to him and she leaves the car leaving Sebastian alone.

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