Chapter 22

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The Next Day

In Gotham

Sebastian walks into the GPD wearing a suit with a mask to cover his face, he enters to see all the cops working while he takes off his mask. "Hello, cops." Sebastian calls out making the cops turn to him taking their guns out and they point them at him. "I'm here for Jim Gordon, and I will only talk to him." Sebastian said to them while raising his hands. "While I wait for him, I will waiting in one of the cells." Sebastian said to them while walking over to one of the cells. Sebastian locks the cell door then he throws the key to a cop before sitting down in the corner. Sametime has passed, and Edward walks over to the cell while Sebastian was playing with his fingers. "I see you have a change of heart." Edward said to her making Sebastian look at him but doesn't talk to him. "I saw what happened, I can see the saddest in your face. It looks like your whole world was breaking down on you." Edward said to him making Sebastian stand up and he walks over to him. "You want something nerd?" Sebastian asks him while standing in front of Edward behind the bars. "I want nothing, I can just see you're personally is spilt into two." Edward said to him making Sebastian look at him as Jim walks over to the cell. "Sebastian." Jim calls him making Sebastian look at him. "You wanted to talk to me." Jim said to him.

Later Sebastian was in a room chained to the table then Jim walks into the room. Jim sits down in front of Sebastian who was looking at his hands. "What do you want?" Jim asks him making Sebastian look at him. "Do you know how it feels to watch the person you love die in front of you?" Sebastian asks him. "I do." Jim said to him while he sees Sebastian's eyes getting watery with tears. "Does it always hurt like this?" Sebastian asks him as tears go down his face. "Like what?" Jim asks him while standing up and he walks closer to Sebastian. "Like your world is being broken down around you." Sebastian said to him while looking at his hands as Jim leans on the table. "If the person was someone special to you." Jim said to him then he places his hand on Sebastian's shoulder. "Sebastian, why are you here?" Jim asks him making Sebastian look at him. "I want to be helped but I don't want to be put back into Arkham. I only want you to help me." Sebastian said to him making Jim nod. "Well, I agree with you about taking you back to Arkham that place only made you worse. And..." Jim said as he sits at the table. "I wanted to help you even if you have blood on your hands." Jim said to him and he frees Sebastian's hands. "You will be watched by me and if you don't follow the rules they will take you back to Arkham no answers asked." Jim said to him making Sebastian nod. "Okay." Sebastian said to him then Jim shows his hand to shake it. "Is that a deal?" Jim asks him making Sebastian look at Jim's hand. "Can I play bad cop?" Sebastian asks him making Jim laugh a little. "Only if you don't kill them." Jim said to him making Sebastian nod and he takes Jim's hand. "You have a deal." Sebastian said to him.

Later Sebastian was in Lee's room while watching Jim and Harvey talk. "How are you feeling?" Lee asks him while looking over Sebastian's scar. "I don't know." Sebastian said to her while Lee pulls out Sebastian's folder. "So, you know you have Bipolar?" Lee asks him while looking at his folder. "That is what I have been hearing." Sebastian said to her while looking at the wall. "Well, based on your past you have personality disorder too." Lee said to him making Sebastian look at her. "What?" Sebastian asks her. "I have seen your personality is all over the place. You have shown extreme mood swings then you are a different person later." Lee said to him. "So, I have angry outbursts. Sounds about right." Sebastian said to her. "I will give you pills to help you." Lee said to him with a smile then Jim and Harvey walk into the room. "There the deal." Harvey said to Sebastian who looks at him. "You try anything and I mean anything you will be thrown back into Arkham." Harvey said to Sebastian who smiles at him. "Well..." Sebastian said to him as he stands up to Harvey looking at him in the eyes. "I know where the bad guys are so I am someone you need to keep around." Sebastian said to him while Jim walks over to them. "So, the way I see it I'm a team player now." Sebastian said to him making Jim stand in. "Okay, that's enough." Jim said to them while placing his hand on Sebastian's shoulder.

Later that night, Jim takes Sebastian to his apartment and gives him the guest room. "This will be your room." Jim said to him as Sebastian walks into the room. "This looks boring is it possible if I can make holes in the wall?" Sebastian asks while looking at Jim. "No." Jim said to him while he walks over to Sebastian. "I'm happy that you wanted to change your life." Jim said to him while he places his hand on Sebastian's shoulder. "Me too, the world is changing around me now." Sebastian said to him with a smile. "I know, I am very proud of you." Jim said to him then he pulls out Sebastian's pills. "Tomorrow, you will start taking this." Jim said to him making Sebastian look at the pills. "Sure." Sebastian said to him.

Sometime later, Sebastian was in his room pulling out his knives that were under his shirt and he places in a box. Sebastian then pulls out the gold gun that Jerome had given him, Sebastian stares at the gun saddest. Sebastian puts the gun in the box before pushing the box under the bed then he walks over to the window. Sebastian sees the cars' lights from the streets while he leans on the wall. "I will take GPD from the inside out then Gotham will be mine." Sebastian said to himself while the Dark side of himself puts his arm around his shoulder. "You said it." Dark Sebastian said to him making Sebastian laugh a little.

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