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I'm greatly sorry that I took so long. Haven't been able to update since July due to school. Anyways, I'll be updating twice as much!

Things were rough since Stone and I parted ways. I began eating less and crying myself to sleep every night, and refused to go out and do anything, not brush my hair, not put on makeup, not take a shower, and I would sometimes have horrible nightmares and wake up screaming at the very tip of my lungs. I sometimes even had deranged thoughts. I wanted to destroy Eddie in every possible way for jeopardizing my relationship, but I had sympathy because it was partly my fault.

I also thought a lot about Chloe and how our friendship was fucked because the way she had treated me the past years, I was tore down and nothing would fix me but Stone. I continued to think about his gorgeous smile and then I compared it to the day he found out I had cheated with Eddie. I began sobbing loudly, the sound echoing off of the walls and filling my ears and every room in my empty home.
I needed him, more than I needed anyone in my entire life and I would go to the ends of the Earth to have him in my life again.

It had been months since I had seen him and the rest of the guys, I hadn't been counting. I missed their infectious personalities.

If I didn't see his face soon, I'd lose the bit of sanity I had left.

There had to be a way.

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