daylight savings has messed up my day

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no prompt explanation, i think title says it all

you wake up pretty fast this morning. or what felt like it was fast. though with your eyes still squinted, you took a peek at the window at the other end of the room. did i sleep in? the sun was shining quite brightly through the curtains.

you look over to your right and john is peacefully sleeping. his arm lazily thrown over your waist. you go to grab your phone and check the time. 7:24am. "what the fuck?" you say out loud in shock.

john grumbles and turns over.

it is too damn bright outside to be 7am.

you didn't want to get up. so you didn't. you went back under the nice cozy blankets and snuggled right up against john's back. this woke him up a little bit and caused him to turn over and sleepily look at you. "hi baby" he says in a very tired voice.

"hi john" you giggle. john wraps his arm around you to pull you closer and he falls right back asleep. you smile at his face and also attempt to go back to sleep.


the time is now 10am. you're wide awake. john is not. you're facing the other direction, leaving john to face your back. still not feeling like getting up, you grab your phone and just scroll through social media for a bit. having your volume to the lowest it can be and but still enough for you to hear.

"what're you watching?" john puts his head on top of yours and is peeking over to see your phone.

"just some silly tiktoks." you smile and reach your hand behind you to scratch his head.

john joins in on your watching before you both ultimately decide to get up for the day.


it's 3pm now. the house is quiet. you and john respectively doing your things. however, boredom has now stricken.

"JOOOOOOOOOHN" you yell as you stretch in your office chair.

"WHAAAAAT" john yells back from the living room. just then appearing a few seconds later in the doorway.

"i'm bored." you make a pouty face and slouch to emphasize.

"okay let's have hardcore sex right now." john says with a straight face.

you raise your eyebrow at him before the both of you burst laughing. "do you want to go somewhere, my love?"  john asks.

"yes please." you get out of your seat and rush to your shared bedroom to change into a cuter outfit.

john waits patiently in the living room. 30 minutes pass and you walk out of the room. "alright, where we going?" john asks, getting up from the couch.

"you pick."
"you're the one that wanted to go out."
"okay so?"
"so you pick."
"john, that's not fair."
"what the fuck do you mean that's not fair?"
"i'm just kidding." giggle giggle. "let's go get food and then maybe some shopping?"
"cool, let's roll."
"don't ever say that again."


yummy yummy dinner. it's now 5pm. "WHY IS IT SO DARK OUTSIDE" the moment you stepped out of the restaurant, you're flabbergasted by the night taking over already.

"daylight savings, babe."

you open your mouth as if gasping but no sound is coming out. john laughs at your reaction and grabs your hand to drag you to the car.

you both walk around aimlessly, window shopping. nothing is really catching your eye nor do you really feel like buying anything. boredom comes and goes. you and john decide you both want to go home.


7pm. "no way." you and john are snuggling on the couch. john watching a show on netflix and you're scrolling through your phone. glancing up, you look towards the window. "johnny it is so dark outside."

"you're so right."
"literally what the hell."

john laughs at your continued astonishment.

"it's practically bedtime."
"i mean if you're tired—"
"i'm not."
"that's fine. we can watch a disney movie."

you nod and smile and take the remote to choose a movie. after two movies, you feel a bit tired. but not tired enough to sleep because now it's 9pm and time doesn't make sense. it feels wrong to sleep at this time. time isn't real. it's a concept that we as a society made up. there's nothing more to it than assigning numbers each time the planet moves around the sun each hour, minute, and second. you can do whatever you want at whatever time you want. time adds pressure. time is cruel. time doesn't make sense and it honestly never will. why must we follow such a concept that only leads us towards our—

"babe??? hello??? you good???" john is waving in your face and you blink at him. not saying a word but instead giving a silly little kiss on the cheek.

"bedtime?" john gets up from the couch and stretches his hand out to you.

"bedtime." you smile and take his hand.

which was the worst decision ever.

john pulls you over his back and picks you up sideways like a wrestler. carrying you into the room like that.



don't ask me anything about this chapter

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