chapter 9.

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The next morning Annie's mom woke us both up with waffles for breakfast which of course I couldn't say no to. Despite the fact that I don't usually eat in the mornings, waffles are a favourite of mine.

When we got to school we made our way to our lockers and took out the books we'd need for first period. Thursdays are my favourite day at school because every single one of my classes are with Annie and I don't have History.

When I close my locker and turn back to Annie, I see Spencer talking to her. Spencer's one of the popular boys. He plays football, and Lacrosse, and always has the girls pining over him. He has one of those personalities that to me is so off putting and I can't even explain why.

When I see Spencer walk away, I make my way back to Annie. "What was that about?" My nosey self asks. "He asked if I wanted to go out with him after school," she admits. My mouth falls agape, "You're going out with Spencer?" I whisper-yell. "No, I'm not. I said I wasn't interested. Think I hurt his ego a bit," she chuckles.
"What, why?"

"Well, he's not really my type," she shrugs, as we walk into the empty English classroom. "But he's so hot!?" I ask. "I thought you hated him?" She frowns. "I do, but it doesn't change the fact that he's still hot," I admit. "Fine then, you go out with him," she giggles. "Ew no, I hate him."
Annie sits down at her desk and turns to me with a look of confusion. "Sometimes I don't understand you," she says which makes me chuckle.


Reese picked me up after school and drove me to set. Whilst I was at school I started to feel sick, so much so that I couldn't eat lunch, but I've tried to ignore it because I still have to work until nine tonight.

The scenes I'm rehearsing today are with both Scarlett and Cobie. I think Marvel started listening to the fans because 'Blackhill' is happening.

When I arrived at set, I went to my trailer and did just under half an hour of homework before I was called to the green room. Unfortunately, I'm still not feeling any better than I was earlier. In fact, I probably feel worse. But only five more hours until I get to go home and sleep. Not that I particularly want to go home, but at least I'll get some rest.

"Hey Lex," Scarlett smiles softly as I walk into the green room. "Hi," I smile back. "You feeling okay? You don't look very well," she frowns. "I'm okay, I just have a bit of a cold," I shrug.

She goes to bring her hand up to my forehead, but out of instinct, I take a step back. A concerned look washes over her face, "I'm just checking to see if you have a temperature."
I nod, feeling slightly embarrassed, as she presses her hand against my head. "You're a bit warm, honey. Have you taken anything?" She questions, to which I shake my head.

"Do you want some ibuprofen before you start? It might help you feel better," she suggests. "Okay. Yes please," I say. She nods, and quickly takes me back out to her trailer. Handing me two of the pills, she fills up a glass of water. "Thank you," I mumble.

She leans down slightly to kiss the top of my head. I'm only five foot one, so anyone that tries to hug or kiss me is always breaking their backs to do so. Not literally, but you get the point.
The other day Hemsworth gave me a hug and I swear his legs are taller than my whole body.

"If you need to take a break at anytime today, tell me okay?" She orders to which I nod with a small smile.


Somehow I made it through rehearsal. I felt worse with every passing minute, but it's only my first week and I would feel awful if I stopped. Scarlett was checking in with how I was feeling as often as she could and made sure I was drinking enough water.

I feel a little bit nauseous now, but that's probably from the not being able to eat and the exhaustion. Also, the fear that I'm now having to go home and see my mom.

As a kid I would always get hit. Not in a way of 'punishment' but more as a 'mom is pissed off at something and is taking it out on me' kinda way. It was always across my face or head, and as time passed it began to become more aggressive. She started beating me up after my dad left. Sometimes it was because I hadn't done what she had told me to do so that's really on me, but sometimes it was for no reason other than the fact she was angry.

I get back to my trailer and pack up my bag and use the bathroom and as I grab my things to leave, I feel my breathing pick up so I sit down on the bed to try and take a few deep breaths. But I doesn't work.

The fact that I'm feeling sick right now is not helping with the nausea I get when I feel an anxiety attack coming.

The more I try not to think about going home to my mom, the more I actually think about it.

I lay back as I feel tears begin to slip down my face. Now's really not the time for this to be happening. Reese is already waiting for me so he can take me home.

A few minutes pass and I feel like my throat is closing up. I can't get any air in and nothing I've tried is working.
I hear a knock on my trailer door, "Lex, can I come in?"

I try to answer Scarlett, but I can't. The door slowly creaks open before she steps in and sees me. "Oh sweetheart, what happened?" She asks gently, coming to sit beside me on the bed. "I-I can't breathe."

She takes her hands in mine and squeezes them. "It'll pass. Just follow my breathing, honey," she speaks in a reassuring tone. Purposely, Scarlett takes deeper breaths as I try my best to follow her.

"It's not w-working," I hiccup. She lets go of my hands and pulls me closer, wrapping her arms around my body tightly and pressing my head against her heart. "Listen to my heartbeat, Lex. I'm here. You're going to be okay."

Over the next few minutes my breathing finally slows down until it's almost back to normal, but the crying hasn't subsided.
"What's got you so upset, sweetheart?" Scarlett whispers, her hand rubbing up and down my arm.

The words come out of my mouth before I can even process what I'm about to admit. In an incoherent sob I say, "I don't want to go home. Please don't make me."

dudes I'm so excited for Christmas
also I can't wait to see Wakanda Forever!! but I'm not going till next week haha

anddd...for now Lex isn't gonna have a love interest but if she does later in the book I've decided that's she's gonna be straight :))

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