chapter 52.

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The moment we stepped foot out of the car at the Dolby Theatre, fans were screaming. The feeling it brought was somewhat exhilarating, but strange as well. In that moment, my nerves seemed to fade and it wasn't until now that I've realised acting is something I want to pursue for as long as I possibly can.

My Mom smiled at me proudly and took my hand as we made our way over to the barriers.

After signing autographs, a couple of men which I assume were security, led us over to the carpet. At first, I joined Xochilti after she spotted me and called me over.
My head quickly became a jumble of words being thrown at me. People wanted me to be able to look in every direction at once, so I took a deep breath though and tried to enjoy the moment.

Eventually I was on my own, but only for a few moments before Mom joined me. I felt a thousand times more comfortable with her next to me.

When we got to the end of the carpet, I got called over for an interview. The brunette woman introduced herself first, before getting on with the questions. "This is your first movie, am I right?" She questions, holding the microphone up for me. "Yes, it is," I nod, a smile resting on my face. "That is incredible, congratulations."
"Thank you."
"How did you feel going into this project? Were you nervous?"

"Oh, one hundred percent, but the cast and crew made it such a welcoming environment. We're all like family in so many ways," I answer honestly. She smiles, nodding intently as I speak.

"What was your reaction when you found out you got the role as Rylee?" She asks further. "I think I screamed," I chuckle, "I was so excited and I don't think it's really completely sunk in until now."

I did a couple of more interviews after that one. One with Lizzie as well. She basically did all the talking though as I held onto her hands, fiddling with her fingers.

I watched as Mom finished up talking to someone before she came over to me. "You wanna go inside?" She questions, placing a hand on my shoulder. I nod, leaning into her as we make our way into the theatre.

"Hello child," Robert smiles. "Hi grandpa," I giggle. His mouth hangs open as he looks to my Mom. "You've had too much of an influence," he says.

Cobie comes over and starts chatting to Mom, so Robert and I walk off to go and find a drink. "So, how's school going?"
"It's like school," I shrug. "Wow, very specific," he teases, "You got a boyfriend?"

I look up to him, quirking an eyebrow. "No, I don't have a boyfriend. I have a girlfriend though, everybody knows that," I giggle. "Well it's news to me," he shakes his head, trying his best to look offended.

"How long have you two been together?" He questions further. "A little over a year," I admit. "A year!? And I'm only finding out now?"
"It's alright, old people are a little slow," I laugh, patting his shoulder.

After mingling for some time, everyone made their way into the theatre. My seat was reserved between my Mom and Lizzie, and Cobie was seated to the left of Mom.

"Hey, when you start making out with Cobie in this movie can you please cover my eyeballs?" I question, leaning slightly across Mom. "Nope. It'll be payback for all the times I've seen you making out with Addy," she reminds me of the few very unfortunate incidents.

"It's not my fault you don't know how to knock," I groan, leaning back in my chair.
I hear a chuckle from Lizzie beside me. "Seriously, she doesn't knock," I tell her, shaking my head.

The lights began to dim, so Mom takes my hand and smiles. When the iconic Marvel opening theme started rolling, the whole theatre went quiet.


Two hours and forty minutes later, I stood with everyone on the stage as Kevin spoke out to the crowd, thanking everybody for coming and congratulating the cast that I feel so incredibly grateful to be a part of.

Once everything had wrapped up, we all went back to the hotel to change before making our way to the after party.
"What are the rules?" Mom quirks an eyebrow as she sits opposite me in the car. "No letting strangers give me drinks and if I start to feel sick at all I have to come find you or one of the cast members that aren't drunk," I say with a single nod.

"You missed one," she reminds me. "No drinking on an empty stomach," I sigh. "Good."

About an hour into the party, I sat on top of the closed toilet lid, trying to calm myself down. Being hit on by a grown man sometimes is laughable in the sense that it's so ridiculous that people like that exist still, but not when he slaps your ass as you try walk away from him.

I tried looking for my Mom on the way, but I couldn't see her so instead I messaged her from the stall.

"Lexie? You in here?" The sound of her voice echos through the empty bathroom. "I'm here," I sniff. Her footsteps become closer as she opens the door to the stall. "Oh sweetheart, what's wrong?" She frowns, closing the door behind her and pulling me into her arms.
Unable to answer, I begin to cry into her shoulder.

It took me a little bit to be able to explain what happened, and the moment I did I could see the fury on her face. "Do you know who it was?"
I shake my head, "but if I saw him I could tell you."
"Alright," she nods, "do you want to show me and then I'll security to take him out? He's not allowed to ruin your night."
"Okay," I agree with a slight giggle, so she holds out her hand for me to take as we make our way out.

"Wait, do I have mascara down my face?" I pause. "Nope. The beauty of it being waterproof," she smiles, chuckling.

"Hey Mom?" I ask, hesitant. "Yeah?"
"When he's gone, can we do a shot together?" I laugh to which she quirks an eyebrow. "You want to do a shot with your Mom?"
"Duh," I roll my eyes jokingly. "Does it make me a bad mother if I say yes?"
"Then sure. Just one though, missy," she agrees.

Hey! I was gonna say something but I forgot again

Alsooo just under 3 weeks until I see Harry Stylesss AHHHH

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