chapter 49.

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I'm pretty certain everybody knows by now that History is my least favourite class. Not particularly because of the subject, but more so because of my teacher. There's something about him that I really dislike, but I can't pin point what it is exactly.

The classroom is quiet. He's strict about not talking in class, especially when we're doing worksheets like we are now. The only sound is coming from the students playing football outside the window and the footsteps of Mr Brown pacing around the room.
It's quite annoying.

Suddenly, his presence comes up behind me and his hands are on my shoulders. "You're doing well, Lexie. Keep it up."
The tone in Mr Brown's voice makes me want to take the compliment, but the way he leans over me and squeezes my shoulders whilst doing so makes me want to start crying.

Addy looks up from beside me with a frown, taking in the placement of his hands and body.

Once he's gone back to his desk, I let out the breath I was holding and look to my almost-girlfriend.
I say 'almost-girlfriend' because I've planned out how I'm going to ask her this weekend, but we'll get to that later.

"You okay?" She mouths, not wanting to let Mr Brown hear. I manage to crack a small smile, and nod, before turning my attention back to my work. Or at least trying to.

I watch as my worksheet become blurry in front of me, but I blink my tears away before I let any fall.
I hate how that's triggered me so much.

Deciding that I need a breath, I stick my hand up. "Yes, Miss Reid?" He questions. "May I please use the bathroom?"
"Alright," he agrees, "here's your hall pass."

Knowing that if I make eye contact with anyone including Addy, I might burst into tears, I keep my gaze focused on the wooden floor boards as I go up to his desk to take it from him.

"Thank you," I mutter, making my way out to the bathrooms.

The minute I'm in the stall, I pull the toilet lid down and sit, letting myself cry. I feel like I'm overreacting. I might be. But then again I might not be. Either way, I hate that something as small as a man touching my shoulders, sends me into a full blown anxiety attack.

I feel myself start to hyperventilate. My throat and lungs feel like they're closing up but I cover my mouth with my hand as I hear somebody walk into the bathrooms, not wanting anybody to hear.

"You better not be skipping class in there," a woman's voice echos. "I-I'm not. I'm just using the bathroom," I manage to say. "You got a hall pass?"

I take a deep breath and close my eyes, trying to pull myself together before flushing the toilet I didn't even use. Walking out of the stall, the vice principal takes note of the hall pass around my neck and nods.

I start washing my hands as she asks, "are you alright?"

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine," I tell her. "You sure? You look as though you've been crying," she points outs. "I haven't. Just tired."
"Alright," she nods, walking back out of the bathroom.

I look up at myself in the mirror and wipe under my eyes before making my way back to class.
When I resume my seat, Addy taps my hand and passes me a note.

Are you alright? It reads.

I pick up my pen and begin to write underneath. I'm okay, just easily triggered.

She reads the note with a small frown before turning to me with a sad smile. She focuses her gaze back on her desk and quietly tears a corner bit of paper from her notebook and writes again, passing it over to me.

Mr Brown is an asshole. I don't know everything that's happened to you, but I want you to know that you're not alone and I am so proud of you, honey.
I admire you deeply <3

I look to her with a wide smile, my cheeks inevitably a shade of pink.

Thank you, Addy. I admire you deeply too, and think that you the most beautiful person on the planet!

I pass the piece of paper back to her and intently watch every inch of her face as she reads, and then writes once again.

You are, inside and out.
P.S it's the cutest thing ever, watching you blush.

Addy giggles as I read the note just as the bell for lunch goes.
We pick up our bags and take each others hands as we make our way back to our lockers to grab lunch before heading over to the tree. It's just the two of us at lunch today because Annie left after third period to go to the dentist.

"What do you have for lunch?" She questions, taking a bite of her sandwich. The girl loves her sandwiches. She's the female version of Joey Tribbiani like that.

"Leftover pizza from last night, a fruit salad, and...a muffin for each of us," I smile, giving her one of the homemade blueberry muffins that Mom baked yesterday. "Ahh!" She enthuses, pecking my lips to thank me.

"I love food," she admits randomly. "It's great," I agree with a chuckle.

We both enjoy each other's company whilst we finish our food. Not really talking all that much until we're done and I'm sat with my back against Addy's chest as she's leant up against the tree.

"Hey Lex, do you still have that note from class? Oh, and a pen?" She questions. "Mhm," I nod, leaning forward to grab both out of my back before passing it back to her. "Thanks," she says, "now lean your head forward. I need to use your neck for a surface to write on."
I giggle at this, but still comply.

"Done," she announces, so I lift my head. "Can I read?" I question. A somewhat nervous smile crawls up onto her lips as she nods, passing me the note.

Do you want to be my girlfriend, Lexie?

As I read these words, my eyes widen with excitement as I turn around and throw my arms around her. "Yes," I squeal, "I'd love to be your girlfriend, Addy!"

I cup her face with my hands and kiss her passionately.

Maybe it's too soon to tell for some, and it's definitely too soon to admit it to her aloud, but I think I love Addy.


"Ahh!" I squeal, getting into the passengers side of my Mom's car. "Ahh!" She squeals back. "What are we excited about?"

"Guess what!" I enthuse, putting my seatbelt on. "Taylor Swift showed up at school? That's the only explanation for this enthusiasm," she giggles. "Nope. Better!"

"Oh, Jesus Christ, okay. Umm...I'm all out. Just tell me," she laughs. "Addy asked me to be her girlfriend today!" I look at her with a grin so wide, my cheeks hurt a little. "She did?" Mom gasps, mouth hung open. I nod ferociously.

"Aw sweetheart, I'm so happy for you," she admits, her smile almost matching mine. "Thank you," I say, shrugging my shoulders up to my ears, "I'm happy for me too. Even though I wanted to ask her on the weekend, I'm not gonna complain."

Hii! I started all over again twice but we got there in the end 👍🏼

One more chapter left of part 1!

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