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"Hayden!" I hear my step-mom Laura call from downstairs. "Yep?" I yell back, my eyes not looking away from the book I was reading. "Please get Harrison and come downstairs. Bill, you, and I will have a conversation!" This is wierd. Laura usually never calls a 'family meeting.' I mean, she's even including my step-dad Bill. This must be serious.

I close my book and toss it onto my bed, not looking were it lands, and amble out of my ROOM. I tip toe to my step-brother Harrisons room and peak inside to see him upright and clutching the crib bars like he's in prison. Harrison is an adorable 1 year old boy that I am proud to call my step-brother. You can tell we're not blood siblings though, because of my blonde hair, his brown hair, his blue eyes, and my light green ones.

I stroll over to the crib and Harrisons' big, blue, round eyes stare at me with a expression only babies and dogs can hold for everyone; love. He giggles and I sigh over his adorableness before picking him up by the under arms and placing him on my hip. "You're the adorablest baby boy ever," I coo and tickle his chin, making him giggle again. I saunter out of his room and carefully walk down the stairs to meet Laura and Bill in the kitchen.

"Ah, there you are, Hayden," Laura greets me, holding her hands out for her baby boy. I pass Harrison over to Laura and sit down in my normal spot at the table where the 'meeting' seems to be taking place. Bill is sitting in a chair, his normal spot too. "Uhm, what is this whole 'family' meeting about?" I ask, making sure to emphasize family. Laura clears her throat before speaking, "well, Bill has gotten a very big PROMOTION in North Carolina—" I didn't even let her finish before speaking up. "Where moving aren't we?"

Bill and Laura share a glance for a moment then Bill answers my question, "yes, we are." I stand up from the kitchen table, pushing my chair back, "no! We can't!" I shout, startling everyone in my presence. "Why is that, Hayden?" Laura asks, cluelessly. "I have my friends here! And Josh!" Josh is my boyfriend who I love so much. "Hayden, I understand that you don't want to leave, but you're not 18 yet so in the power of the law you technically have to move aswell." I hate the fact that Laura was a lawyer before she had Harrison.

"I'm moving back here when I'm 18," I utter stubbornly. Laura nods, "I'm okay with that." I sigh and run upstairs, raging. I cannot believe they are doing this to me! Okay, maybe I sound selfish right now, but I finally got my life back on TRACK from the incident—which I will not think about right now.

I run my fingers through my wavy, shoulder lengthed hair and drop down onto my bed. I look around my room, well room for right now, and sigh. "Why, god, just why?" I groan and fall back on the matress. What did I do to deserve this? Why do I have to move when my life was just BEGINNING to be normal.


"I'm gonna miss you so much, Hayden," cries my BEST FRIEND since kindergarden, Amber. "Oh, you know that I'll miss you more," I say and we both laugh a little. We pull away from the gigantic hug that we both trapped eachother in and see her makeup running. How about I just don't tell her... I'm an evil best friend.

"Call me everyday and clue me in for the guys that ask you out," Amber says and nudges me making me laugh. "Oh, like any guy would be interested in me. But of course I will call you all the time!" I shout the last part. Amber is very beautiful. She has hazel eyes with black hair and naturally rosey cheeks. "You're so pretty, of course a guy would ask you out! Anyway, just remember who your best friend since kitty pools and juice boxes is," Amber says making me laugh hard.

"Oh, how could I forget the girl who tackled the boy that tripped me on the playground in 2nd grade," I tease and her rosey cheeks, stained with tears, look red as ever from laughing. "We agree not to talk about that anymore I thought!" Whines Amber. I laugh, then here Bill call out for me to get in the car. Our smiles fade and we look at eachother before hugging tightly again. "Bye, Amby." "Bye, Haydie."

Thank god I said bye to Josh before this moment, I would be bawling. Not as if I'm not already. It's just that I don't want him to see my ugly side.


FLIGHT 428, Ontario Canada, is now boarding at gate 7," says the intercome of the airport. I look up at the sign, chipped away and flickering lights, that reads "Fly Safely." I scoff and pick up my bag. I am terribly afraid of airplanes and heights so this shouldn't be pretty. The man at the desk for gate 7 checked my whole 'families' tickets and let us into the plane.

I glance around, nervously, then at my ticket. It says seat 09. Where is that? After looking around, looking stupider by the second, I finally find seat 09 and put my luggage in the over carrier and sit down, relieved. All relief leaves my body when the FLIGHT takes off.

I grip the seat handles and just hope I don't cry out. I look in the seat next to me, which I didn't notice was recently, and see a pregnant woman eating Tacobell. How did she even get that on the plane? She looks over at me, scowls, and hides her taco from me like I'm going to take it.

I carry my gaze to the window, just in time to see the grassy planes of Minnesota out of sight. I sigh. The lady has dripped some taco meat on my hand and I whipe it off quickly. Well, this is going to be an interesting FLIGHT.


I STEP out of the plane and the first thing I do is look around. People, many people, walking around. It's a very beautiful airport, much better then the one at Minnesota, that's for sure.

I follow Laura to the baggage claim and help with our bags. "Oh, thank you honey," Laura THANKS me and I reply with a simple nod. I'm too pre-occupied to properly and outtside is better. It's beautiful in North Carolina in Febuary. The snow on the ground shines perly white and the smell of hot cocoa lingers in the air. I smile slightly and pull my hat over my head.

And that is were the adventure began.

Soooooo, did you guys like it? I'm actually really proud of myself for the proluge, so I wonder what the actual chapter are gonna be like! COMMENT WHAT YOU THINK PLEASE, IT HELPS SO MUCH WITH THE STORY. Maybe share this story with others and lets try to get this story goin'! Bye-bye!


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