Chapter Three

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"Yay" I say sarcastically.

"I will advise you not to say stuff like that in front of Mr. Huang."

"And why?"

"It might anger him." Marcus looks like he realized something. "Are you hungry?" Like I want to eat anything you cook. Could be drugged. Wait. Idea!!

"Yeah." He motions for me to follow. He leads us to the kitchen.

He begins cooking with his back to me. I look around a little. My eyes land on a vase.

Okay. You have one shot and that's it.

I quickly yet quietly grab the vase. I walk up behind him and slam the vase into the back of his neck.

He is knocked unconscious. I then make a run for it.


Kris called me and the rest of the gang in because someone broke into our hangout.

"Do we have any clues?" Suho, who is also the co-leader, asked.

"No but I think it was The Sharks."

"How do we know for--"

My phone cut him off.


"Sorry, Mr. Huang but Ms. Y/N has escaped."


"I was cooking and she knocked me out. I don't know how, sir."

"Alright. I'll be there soon." I hung up on him.

"What is it, Tao?" Suho asked before Kris could.

"Y/N escaped."

"That guy's niece?"


"Go find her," Kris said, "she could leak who we are." I nod and bolt out of there. I get into my car and head to my house.

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