Chapter: Five

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Macy and I stared at each other for a good five minutes.

A lot of shit was running through my mind right now as I looked at her, and I couldn't wrap my head around on what I had walked in on yesterday.

To say that I was disappointed in her was just about one-third of the truth.

I was fucking livid, and she knew it too.

"Мейси, я не могу поверить, вы сказали, что дерьмо к нему, когда он проснется хочу извиниться. Для fucks ради он был через много и вы давление на ему нужна помощь."

(Macy, I can't believe you said that shit to him, when he wakes I want you to apologize. For fucks sake, he's been through a lot and you pressuring him want help.)

I say through clenched teeth, and she hangs her head, but I don't miss the tears.

"Вы не думаете, я чувствую себя плохо Ник, я чувствую себя ужасно, как ад. Он мой лучший друг, и мне больно его чувства —"

(You don't think I feel bad Nick, I feel horrible as hell. He's my best friend and I hurt his feelings—)

She wipes her face and I sigh loudly. "You of all people should know what he feels like right now."

I mumble softly and she flinches as if I've slapped her. "B-but it's different Nick, he doesn't want him harmed or anything. He even said that he wanted to die Nick."

She hiccups and I lean forward, handing her a tissue out of the box on my desk. "Well didn't you want to die when it happened to you?" I ask.

She wipes her face and sits back with a glare.

"I killed that bastard, but he wasn't my father Nick. His dad did this to him, and he's still taking up for him." She argues and I roll my eyes.

"No you're not understanding his reasoning, stop looking at it from your point of view and look at his from his!" I yell, startling her.

"Someone he's trusted, his last alive relative has done the unmistakeable. He knows what he should do, but he doesn't want to get rid of the last of his family Mace." I catch her gaze and hold it.

"His mom killed his twin and commuted suicide and now his dad has raped him. He has no one anymore, it's not that he doesn't want anything to do with us."

I explain softly and she runs her hands through her blond hair. "It's just that he feels like he has no reason to live anymore. He's tired, if what you've told me was true–"

Alonzo walks in interrupting me, and smirks.

"Босс, Феликс находится здесь."
(Boss, Felix is here.)

He informs me, and I wave my hand.

"Мэйси, мы завершим это позже. Пойти и сохранить вашу компанию друга, возьмите его." I say calmly and sit back in my chair.

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